I want this dress and I want to wear BOTH of these Nail Polish sets with it. How about you?🤩
💚 Emerald Satin 💚
💚💙 Runway Lame 💚💙
Happy Saturday, friends! Is it a hot cocoa/tea kind of day where you are, or are you still following Summer protocols?😉
And which is your favorite #Autumn🍂🍁🌾 nail polish shade...?
🤎 Cocoa Craving 🤎
💛 Canary Chic 💛
https://www.eucup.com/329627/ KARIM ADEYEMI: MESSI OR RONALDO? 🐐 #shorts ##fussball #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #Barbenheimer #barbie #BorussiaDortmund #bundesliga #CristianoRonaldo #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #football #FootballTiktok #futbol #Germany #Goal #goal.com #KarimAdeyemi #LionelMessi #Oppenheimer #PremierLeague #Soccer #ThisOrThat #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#shorts #fussball #2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #barbenheimer #barbie #borussiadortmund #bundesliga #cristianoronaldo #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #football #footballtiktok #futbol #germany #goal #karimadeyemi #lionelmessi #oppenheimer #premierleague #soccer #thisorthat #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
I love this dress!😍 But which Nail Polish Strip do you think goes best with such an amazing look?
🌰Almond Butter🌰
🍫Cocoa Craving🍫
#corecollection #dessertfirstcollection #thisorthat
Instead of picking a nail color to go with an outfit, let's flip the script...
Which outfit would you wear with 💙A Path Forward💙?
#humantraffickingawareness #apathforward #thisorthat
https://www.lovenba.com/1115967/ Brooklyn Nets’ Projected Starting Five: Ready For Redemption? #shorts #nba #brooklynnets #AtlanticDivision #BenSimmons #BrooklynNets #EasternConference #JacqueVaughn #KyrieIrving #NBA #NICCLAXTON #SpencerDinwiddie #ThisOrThat
#shorts #nba #brooklynnets #atlanticdivision #bensimmons #easternconference #jacquevaughn #kyrieirving #nicclaxton #spencerdinwiddie #thisorthat
🍇Wild Grape🍇
🍓Strawberry Jelly🍓
Which do you love most?😍
#sojellycollection #thisorthat #whichonewednesday
These #Syrup Nail Polish Strips are The Bomb!💣
Which do you love best with this outfit?
🪸 Coral Couture 🪸
🏖 Beach House Blues 🏖
#thisorthat #colorcascadecollection #syrup
All this talk about #Syrup Nails is making me hungry for pancakes!🥞 But I guess I could go for a cocktail🍹 instead.😉
Which would you choose...?
🍋 Lux Lemon 🍋
🪸 Coral Couture 🪸
#thisorthat #ThirstyThursday #colorcascadecollection #syrup
https://www.lovenba.com/1102837/ This or That with rookie Jalen Wilson #brooklynnets #AtlanticDivision #BarclaysCenter #Basketball #BenSimmons #Brooklyn #BrooklynNets #CamJohnson #CamThomas #DavidDukeJr. #DAY'RONSHARPE #DorianFinney-Smith #EasternConference #EdmondSumner #JacqueVaughn #JalenWilson #JOEHARRIS #MikalBridges #NBA #Nets #NetsHighlights #NICCLAXTON #PATTYMILLS #RoyceOneale #SethCurry #SpencerDinwiddie #Sports #ThisOrThat #TjWarren #YutaWatanabe
#brooklynnets #atlanticdivision #barclayscenter #basketball #bensimmons #brooklyn #camjohnson #camthomas #daviddukejr #day #dorianfinney #easternconference #edmondsumner #jacquevaughn #jalenwilson #joeharris #mikalbridges #nba #nets #netshighlights #nicclaxton #pattymills #royceoneale #sethcurry #spencerdinwiddie #sports #thisorthat #tjwarren #yutawatanabe
https://www.lovenba.com/1100634/ This or That with Dariq Whitehead #brooklynnets #AtlanticDivision #BarclaysCenter #Basketball #BenSimmons #Brooklyn #BrooklynNets #CamJohnson #CamThomas #DariqWhitehead #DavidDukeJr. #DAY'RONSHARPE #DorianFinney-Smith #EasternConference #EdmondSumner #JacqueVaughn #JOEHARRIS #MikalBridges #NBA #Nets #NetsHighlights #NICCLAXTON #PATTYMILLS #RoyceOneale #SethCurry #SpencerDinwiddie #Sports #ThisOrThat #TjWarren #YutaWatanabe
#brooklynnets #atlanticdivision #barclayscenter #basketball #bensimmons #brooklyn #camjohnson #camthomas #dariqwhitehead #daviddukejr #day #dorianfinney #easternconference #edmondsumner #jacquevaughn #joeharris #mikalbridges #nba #nets #netshighlights #nicclaxton #pattymills #royceoneale #sethcurry #spencerdinwiddie #sports #thisorthat #tjwarren #yutawatanabe
https://www.lovenhl.com/897680/ This or That at CBJ Development Camp #BlueJackets #CBJ #ColumbusBlueJackets #DevCamp #DevelopmentCamp #EasternConference #GetToKnowYou #HockeyPlayerQuestions #HockeyQuestions #JamesMalatesta #JordanDumais #LucaDelBelBelluz #MetropolitanDivision #NationalHockeyLeague #NHL #prospects #ThisOrThat
#bluejackets #cbj #columbusbluejackets #devcamp #developmentcamp #easternconference #gettoknowyou #hockeyplayerquestions #hockeyquestions #jamesmalatesta #jordandumais #lucadelbelbelluz #metropolitandivision #nationalhockeyleague #nhl #prospects #thisorthat
Which of these beautiful colors do you want peeking through the sand while you walk on the beach?🏖
🏝 Waikiki Sands 🏝
🌊 Wailua Falls 🌊
#destinationhawaiicollection #thisorthat
How fabulous are these two sets together?!😲
THIS ~ 💙Blue Raspberry💙
THAT ~ 🏝Hanalei Bay🏝
Definitely a match made in heaven!🌈
#ThisOrThat #SoJellyCollection #DestinationHawaiiCollection
P.S. Hanalei Bay is currently sold out, but be patient...it--as well as Are You Madrid-ing Me?--will be restocking the week of July 3rd!🥳
#destinationhawaiicollection #sojellycollection #thisorthat
🦋Spread Your Wings🦋 ~OR~ 💔Love Me Not💔
💐Lilacs💐 ~OR~ 🌷Tulips🌷
#TwoForTuesday #ThisOrThat #ElectricMeadowsCollection #LastCall #ScheduledRemoval #June7th
#june7th #scheduledremoval #lastcall #electricmeadowscollection #thisorthat #twofortuesday
🧡Heart of Marigold☀️ ~OR~ ☀️Sunny Daze☀️
🍋Lemonade🍋 ~OR~ 🧋Iced Coffee🧋
#TwoForTuesday #ThisOrThat #ElectricMeadowsCollection #LastCall#ScheduledRemoval #June7th
#june7th #lastcall #electricmeadowscollection #thisorthat #twofortuesday
Which JELLY Nail Polish Strip do you love most with 🪩Disco Queen🪩...?
🫐Blueberry Blast🫐
🍌Banana Bonanza🍌
#lastcall #sweetstuffcollection #thisorthat