I just put the handbrake on in the car when we were parking and it made a weird rattle noise. It feels. 'looser' to use now, and just doesn't feel right.
We tested it (stopped in a hill and engaged it) and it seems to be holding fine... but I'm nervous about it.
The car is still covered by warranty, but I also know how adept insurance places are at shrugging out of those agreements, and I just can't deal with the idea of needing to pay for car repairs on top of everything else.
Why does it have to be so hard. 😕
#writing #substack #amwriting #cancer #caregiver #thissucks
Wherein I have a panic attack about my coming future as a cancer caregiver.
#thissucks #caregiver #cancer #amwriting #substack #writing
Day three of quitting smoking, and I'm chewing gum like crazy! I got this, I think, maybe I should smoke a cigarette to help calm my nerves, lol. I'm trying to stay strong… ☹️😱🤬 #ThisSucks #Fuck #Struggling
#mozilla keep doing the wrong things with #firefox. The last obvious idiocracy was selling #DoH as a #security feature and now with version 115 adding an option to have the browser decide to disable any extension by itself because it feels like it...
Probably all forced, under the #yoke of their #Alphabet overlords… anyways #thissucks
Read more: https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/2023/7/1.html
#thissucks #alphabet #yoke #security #doh #Firefox #mozilla
Protip: Unless you really, really, REALLY, enjoy routing about 500 cubic feet of sawdust, don’t forget to wax your support boards when you glue up a board. #woodworking #thissucks
Protip: Unless you really, really, REALLY, enjoy routing about 500 cubic feet of sawdust, don’t forget to wax your support boards when you glue up a board. #woodworking #thissucks
I live in a world that the mention of another mass shooting incident gets no response from those around me. #ThisSucks #FixThis #GunsBeforeLives #GOPMadness #AnotherShooting
#thissucks #fixThis #gunsbeforelives #gopmadness #anothershooting
Okay. I've been at this for three hours and I *still* don't have all the dependencies needed to be able to build Krita from source.
Also it is 27°C in my room right now, which is absolutely ridiculous for April, and it's making me even more grouchy.
#krita #ICommendYouDevelopers #ForHavingTheFortitude #ToDealWithMakingSoftware #BecauseUGH #ThisSucks
#thissucks #becauseugh #todealwithmakingsoftware #forhavingthefortitude #icommendyoudevelopers #krita
and my car's AC seems to be totally dead just in time for warmer weather #hellYeah #waitNo #thisSucks
I would never say that nerve conduction testing is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. It’s not even close. But my dominant arm is definitely out of commission for anything nor an absolute requirement the rest of the day. OUCH. #dysautnomia #spoonieLife #thisSucks #dontWanna
#dysautnomia #spoonielife #thissucks #dontwanna
I’m alive but my.voice is not! #thisSucks #beingSickIsTheWorst
#thissucks #beingsickistheworst
I was really looking forward to Loki season 2.
Not enough curse words to describe menopause.
Hot flashes = broiling internally
Fucking mood swings.
ADHD really is a freaking curse. 😮💨😖😭😭😭😭😭😭😫 #adhd #adhdtiktok #thissucks #ihatethis #citizenprayer #citizenfortress
#adhd #adhdtiktok #thissucks #ihatethis #citizenprayer #citizenfortress
I just wrote a post about how much my kids’ Florida public school education sucks and it was 1195 words too long so I shortened it to this. Eff you Desantis. Calculus is not now and has never been “woke”. #thissucks #wokemath
The ergh moment when you drown in mum guilt after a conversation with your mini me & he says he misses me.
The only thing I can think of to make it better for him is to drop my personal therapy so I can spend an extra hour with him in the evening.
I knew it would be tough to build up my private practice while working an office job but I didn't think it would be heartbreaking too.
#smallbusiness #parenting #thissucks
My breathing sounds like a snoring Wookie......
#Cold #ColdSymptoms #ThisSucks #EnoughAlready #ImPoorly #GiveMeSympathyGodDamnit #MilkingTheHashtags #WheezesMore
#cold #coldsymptoms #thissucks #enoughalready #impoorly #givemesympathygoddamnit #milkingthehashtags #wheezesmore
My breathing sounds like a snoring Wookie......
#Cold #ColdSymptoms #ThisSucks #EnoughAlready #ImPoorly #GiveMeSympathyGodDamnit #MilkingTheHastags #WheezesMore
#cold #coldsymptoms #thissucks #enoughalready #impoorly #givemesympathygoddamnit #milkingthehastags #wheezesmore
My main complaint about running gnome as my desktop, mixed monitor resolutions suck! Well, it's not supported at all when it comes to scaling. I have 1 1080p display, and 2 4K displays, setting scaling to 200% is good on my eyes on the 4K's but WAY to big on the 1080p. It wont let me scale them individually. #Gnome #Linux #ThisSucks #ImOld
#gnome #linux #thissucks #imold
I have #AntiphospholipidSyndrome and #AddisonsDisease. I get a sick season every year from like November until the allergy season is done. This is my first year with the adrenal gland issue, and holy shit the combination is terrible. I can't seem to get anything done, and am getting winded from swapping the laundry out. #ThisSucks
#antiphospholipidsyndrome #addisonsdisease #thissucks