@s_unter See also #ThisWarOfMine, set in a bleak war-torn European city, much of it in the depth of a harsh winter.
These are your 25 favourite survival games of all time - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/these-are-your-25-favourite-survival-games-of-all-time #BestestBests:ReaderEdition #Subnautica:BelowZero #Ark:SurvivalEvolved #Don'tStarveTogether #Survival&Crafting; #OxygenNotIncluded #S.T.A.L.K.E.R. #ProjectZomboid #ThisWarofMine #DwarfFortress #ConanExiles #TheLongDark #Don'tStarve #Subnautica #NoMan'sSky #7DaysToDie #Minecraft #Frostpunk #TheForest #Grounded #Terraria #RimWorld #Valheim #FarCry2 #Kenshi
#kenshi #FarCry2 #valheim #rimworld #terraria #Grounded #TheForest #Frostpunk #minecraft #7daystodie #NoMan #TheLongDark #conanexiles #dwarffortress #thiswarofmine #ProjectZomboid #s #oxygennotincluded #survival #don #Ark #Subnautica #bestestbests
Wow. This is amazing and cool. #ThisWarOfMine is now part of "Never Alone" exhibition in #MoMA #MuseumOfModernArt
If you're in a stable place, it's an INCREDIBLE game to play. Simple game play but so deep and powerful with the context and narrative.
#thiswarofmine #moma #museumofmodernart
Habt ihr die Feiertage eigentlich auch mit Brettspielen verbracht? Mit welchen, die richtig schön die Stimmung runterziehen? Nein? Dann wird es höchste Zeit!
Weiterlesen: https://wall-jump.com/de/videobrettspielspass-fuer-die-ganze-familie/
Von Janina @janinahimmen
#gaming #boardgames #videogames #thiswarofmine
Just having a search on the games I’m playing/streaming in the hope more experienced players will be in this space. #TheLongDark #Skyrim #Subnautica #DarkSouls #ThisWarOfMine #RDR2 and (sigh) #Fortnite
#fortnite #rdr2 #thiswarofmine #darksouls #subnautica #skyrim #thelongdark
The #Steam Winter sale is going on right now. So far I picked up #Timerborn, #DiscoElysium and #ThisWarOfMine. I know what I'm going to be doing for the next week or two :)
#steam #timerborn #DiscoElysium #thiswarofmine #videogames
Game giveaway time!
This War of Mine. Play as a civilian in this war themed survival game.
If you snag the copy leave a reply below!
#giveaway #free #steam #games #thiswarofmine #survivalgame
My first purchases in zhe Nintendo eShop for my Switch: #ThisWarOfMine & #Hades.
Probably gonna start with the later one.😁
Il s'agit du 2nd titre de #11bitsStudio traité, le précédent étant #ThisWarOfMine et son propos humaniste.
#ThisWarOfMine for Switch is reduced by 95% in the Nintendo Store, which...wow!
But after reading the synopsis..I don't think, I could stomach a game like this.😬 🙈
Playing the board game version of "This War of Mine" tonight.
#thiswarofmine #BoardGameNight #boardgames
Wer am 14. November 2022 nicht live bei der »Spielung« von #ThisWarOfMine im Körber-Forum dabei sein konnte, kann sich jetzt die Aufzeichnung anschauen. Veranstaltet wurde das Live-Gaming von der Körber-Stiftung und der Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur. War ein toller Austausch!
➡️ https://koerber-stiftung.de/mediathek/live-gaming-krieg-aus-sicht-von-zivilist-innen/
The depressingly realistic war simulator This War of Mine turned 8 years old, and to celebrate will be learning material in Polish schools. #ThisWarOfMine https://gamesense.co/game/this-war-of-mine/news/discuss/this-war-of-mine-will-be-learning-material-in-polish-schools-for-its-8th-birthday/
Hello! My very first post on Mastodon. A twist on the #Introduction: "introduce yourself using #videogames to get to know you."
#introduction #videogames #rimworld #frostpunk #thiswarofmine #fortnite #beatsaber #planetcoaster #puzzlepirates #rocketleague
Free in #Android, #thisWarOfMine
Ein neues Humble Bundle! Von 11 bit Studios gibt es ab 1,01 Euro unter anderem #Frostpunkt, South of the Circle, Children of Morta, #Moonlighter und #ThisWarofMine.
Zu Humble:
Affiliate-Link. #Werbung
#Werbung #thiswarofmine #moonlighter #frostpunkt
@breitenbach Ich ertappe mich dabei, gleich ganz viel darauf zu projizieren, weil ich #ThisWarOfMine so außergewöhnlich fand. Wow!
#ThisWarofMine 「每個人都該選擇一段快樂的回憶。這份回憶不僅要美好,更得意義重大。當一切糟糕到你只想坐下來痛哭,你的人生看起來陷入絕境的時候,閉上你的雙眼然後重回你的幸福時刻。這不簡單,但你必須努力嘗試。」