@igd_news I'm 68 yrs old. I can not imagine which my younger science fiction loving self would find more unbelievable, the internet & social media, or that in 2022 we would be tracking, with a hashtag, #ThisWeekinFascism, hate espousing groups and outright American neo-Nazis led by Republicans. 🙄 😒
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
On #ThisWeekInFascism, paramilitary neo-Nazi group caught planning training camp in #Michigan; Oath Keepers slapped with conspiracy charges; neo-Nazi leader with DHS past; military reports rising white power threat; fractures continue to split Proud Boys. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-97-nazi-camp-foiled-in-michigan-fascists-in-military-growing-oath-keepers-get-conspiracy-charges/
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
On #ThisWeekInFascism, paramilitary neo-Nazi group caught planning training camp in #Michigan; Oath Keepers slapped with conspiracy charges; neo-Nazi leader with DHS past; military reports rising white power threat; fractures continue to split Proud Boys. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-97-nazi-camp-foiled-in-michigan-fascists-in-military-growing-oath-keepers-get-conspiracy-charges/
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
On #ThisWeekInFascism, paramilitary neo-Nazi group caught planning training camp in #Michigan; Oath Keepers slapped with conspiracy charges; neo-Nazi leader with DHS past; military reports rising white power threat; fractures continue to split Proud Boys. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-97-nazi-camp-foiled-in-michigan-fascists-in-military-growing-oath-keepers-get-conspiracy-charges/
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
On #ThisWeekInFascism, paramilitary neo-Nazi group caught planning training camp in #Michigan; Oath Keepers slapped with conspiracy charges; neo-Nazi leader with DHS past; military reports rising white power threat; fractures continue to split Proud Boys. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-97-nazi-camp-foiled-in-michigan-fascists-in-military-growing-oath-keepers-get-conspiracy-charges/