And I also like #xfce #kde #mate #cinnamon #lubuntu #xubuntu #kubuntu #kpart #gparted #partitioning #linux #dualboot #windows11 #windows7 #win11 #win10 #poweruser #cli #commandline #bash #bootpartition #gdebi #kazam #audacity #rootpartition #encryption #passwordmanagers #latenightlinux #thisweekinlinux Not crazy about #flatpak #gnome
#gnome #flatpak #thisweekinlinux #latenightlinux #passwordmanagers #encryption #RootPartition #audacity #kazam #GDebi #bootpartition #bash #commandline #cli #poweruser #win10 #Win11 #windows7 #windows11 #dualboot #linux #partitioning #gparted #kpart #kubuntu #xubuntu #lubuntu #cinnamon #mate #kde #xfce
Thanks for covering our release in This Week in Linux episode 182. This has been perhaps our biggest release so far and soon there will be a v11.1 to fix some of the papercut bugs. So stay tuned. 😊
And for those who haven't yet watched that episode, here is the link (the part about #Flameshot is at 25:25 but watch all of it if you can. Good content.),-wine-7.0,-suse-liberty:f
#flameshot #twil #thisweekinlinux
#ThisWeekinLinux covers the relationship of #SUSE #Linux Enterprise & @opensuse Factory, Tumbleweed & Leap. There are some very strong arguments for going GREEN 💚