I'm trying to write, really I am! But as my dad used to say, "The faster I go, the behinder I get."🤪
#writerlyproblems #amwriting #amworking #amtrying #thiswritinglife
#thiswritinglife #amtrying #amworking #amwriting #writerlyproblems
This was like, two minutes to do. Not a boast. An observation. It doesn't have the detail another artist would give it, and the time it would take. But it has a recognisable outline where you can see what it is.
Sometimes a story takes the hours, or years, to bring it to completion. Another story may be complete in less than 1000 words, or even as few as 50.
When you're done, you get to say, "That's it. That's the story."
#ThisWritingLife #WritersLife #DrawingNotWriting #LabouringMetaphorsForLikes
#thiswritinglife #writerslife #drawingnotwriting #labouringmetaphorsforlikes
RT @Joannechocolat@twitter.com
Reminder to anyone who needs it today: Trigger warnings are to books what allergy warnings are to food: they don't affect the contents at all, and no-one needs to look for them unless they really need to. #ThisWritingLife
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Joannechocolat/status/1598683978080337923
I’ve not made a #poetry intro yet. I joined M a few days ago.
My name is Gram Joel Davies. I’m a member of the SW UK poetry community.
I published the collection ‘Bolt Down This Earth’ (@vpresspoetry, 2017) and I’m working on another right now. I like poems that create experience and tease things out of the unconscious better than more cerebral or witty writing.
My main interest in #PoetsOfMastodon is for:
- Reading recommendations
- Community and events
- #ThisWritingLife
Hi there! :)
#poetry #poetsofmastodon #thiswritinglife