lo-fi swing albums to pout and recant to
https://youtube.com/watch?v=xfVNZU67bos — #ThisYear in Thailand 🌴🌸 #Blessings #Shorts ✨ Participate in #ThisYear only on YouTube Shorts 🩵 (0:14)
Outside #theFarmSecurityAdministration (#FSA) grant office during the pea harvest. #Calipatria, #California. During #springof1938 for the #first time, the labor surplus had grown so large that relief grants were necessary even during the peak of harvest. Colored migrants are becoming more numerous #thisyear
#thefarmsecurityadministration #fsa #calipatria #california #springof1938 #first #thisyear #photography #dorothealange
Outside #theFarmSecurityAdministration (#FSA) grant office during the pea harvest. #Calipatria, #California. During #springof1938 for the #first time, the labor surplus had grown so large that relief grants were necessary even during the peak of harvest. Colored migrants are becoming more numerous #thisyear
#thefarmsecurityadministration #fsa #calipatria #california #springof1938 #first #thisyear #photography #dorothealange
#VIDEO | Festa in piazza Salotto per la presentazione del #Girod'Italia 2023
La carovana rosa quest'anno parte dall'#Abruzzo. La prima tappa è in programma sabato 6 maggio con start da #Fossacesia. Il giorno successivo si passerà anche per #Pescara
#VIDEO | Party in #PiazzaSalotto for the presentation of the #Girod'Italia 2023
The pink caravan starts #thisyear from #Abruzzo. The #first stage is scheduled for #Saturday6May with the start in #Fossacesia. #Thefollowingday it will also pass through #Pescara
4-5-2023 22:14 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/video/presentazione-squadre-giro-italia-partenza-abruzzo.html
#video #girod #abruzzo #fossacesia #pescara #piazzasalotto #thisyear #first #saturday6may #thefollowingday #ilpescara
Confermata la #Bandierablu a #Silvi, il sindaco #Scordella: "Premiato il lavoro su ambiente e servizi"
Anche quest'anno la città costiera del #Teramano ha conquistato l'importante vessillo assegnato dalla #Feeallemigliori spiagge e acque italiane
#BlueFlag confirmed in #Silvi, Mayor #Scordella: 'Rewarded work on environment and services'
Once again #thisyear the #Teramo coastal town has won the important banner awarded by the Fee to the best #Italian beaches and waters
4-5-2023 11:48 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/politica/bandiera-blu-silvi-2023.html
#bandierablu #silvi #scordella #teramano #feeallemigliori #blueflag #thisyear #teramo #italian #ilpescara
L’#UniversitàdiTeramo ospita la16esima edizione del #Festival delle radio universitarie italiane
#Teramo. In collaborazione con l’emittente radiofonica di #UniTe, #RadioFrequenza, l’Università degli studi di #Teramo ospiterà la 16/a edizione del #Festival delle radio universitarie italiane (Fru), da domani 5 maggio a domenica 7. Il #Festival è organizzato dall’#Associazione degli operatori radiofonici e dei media universitari (#Raduni) e da #RadioFrequenza che quest’anno celebra 20
L'articolo L’#UniversitàdiTeramo ospita la16esima edizione del #Festival delle radio universitarie italiane sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
The University of #Teramo hosts the #16th edition of the Italian University Radio #Festival
#Teramo. In cooperation with #UniTe's radio station, #RadioFrequenza, the University of #Teramo will host the #16th edition of the Italian University Radio #Festival (Fru), from tomorrow 5 May to Sunday 7 May. The #Festival is organised by the Association of University Radio and Media Operators (#Raduni) and #RadioFrequenza, which #thisyear celebrates 20
The article The University of #Teramo hosts the #16th edition of the Italian University Radio #Festival appears #first on #AbruzzoLive.
4-5-2023 11:44 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/luniversita-di-teramo-ospita-la16esima-edizione-del-festival-delle-radio-universitarie-italiane/
#universitaditeramo #festival #teramo #unite #radiofrequenza #associazione #raduni #abruzzolive #16th #thisyear #first
#Mare pulito e spiagge sicure: #Silvi Bandiera blu per il quinto anno consecutivo
#Silvi. Queste le parole del sindaco #Scordella. “Abbiamo appreso la notizia con grande soddisfazione perché i requisiti si alzano di qualità ogni anno, ma non ci sorprende; anche quest’anno abbiamo lavorato verso la direzione giusta” En plain, dunque, per l’amministrazione uscente, che ha conquistato per 5 anni consecutivi, la #BANDIERABLU, ambito riconoscimento di grandissimo
L'articolo #Mare pulito e spiagge sicure: #Silvi Bandiera blu per il quinto anno consecutivo sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Clean sea and safe beaches: #Silvi Blue Flag for the fifth consecutive year
#Silvi. These are the words of Mayor #Scordella. "We learnt the news with great satisfaction because the requirements are raised #everyyear, but we are not surprised; #thisyear too we have worked towards the right direction" En plain, then, for the outgoing administration, which has won #theBLUEFLAG, a coveted recognition of great
The article Clean sea and safe beaches: #Silvi Blue Flag for the fifth consecutive year seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
4-5-2023 11:33 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/mare-pulito-e-spiagge-sicure-silvi-bandiera-blu-per-il-quinto-anno-consecutivo/
#mare #silvi #scordella #bandierablu #abruzzolive #everyyear #thisyear #theblueflag #first
Al via a #Teramo il Festival delle Radio Universitarie italiane: workshop, incontri e tanti ospiti d’eccezione
#Teramo. Si terrà a #Teramo dal 5 al 7 maggio prossimi la sedicesima edizione del Festival delle Radio Universitarie italiane (#FRU23) organizzato dall’#Associazione degli operatori radiofonici e dei media universitari (#Raduni), dall’Università degli Studi di #Teramo e dalla sua #Fondazione universitaria in collaborazione con #RadioFrequenza, la radio di #Ateneo, che proprio quest’anno celebra i suoi […]
L'articolo Al via a #Teramo il Festival delle Radio Universitarie italiane: workshop, incontri e tanti ospiti d’eccezione sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
The Italian #University Radio Festival kicks off in #Teramo: workshops, meetings and many special guests
#Teramo. The #sixteenth edition of the Italian #University Radio Festival (#FRU23), organised by the Association of #University Radio and Media Operators (#Raduni), the #University of #Teramo and its #University Foundation in cooperation with #RadioFrequenza, the #University radio station, will be held in #Teramo from 5 to 7 May. #Thisyear, the event celebrates its [...]
The article The Italian #University Radio Festival kicks off in #Teramo: workshops, meetings and many special guests seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
2-5-2023 17:11 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/al-via-a-teramo-il-festival-delle-radio-universitarie-italiane-workshop-incontri-e-tanti-ospiti-deccezione/
#teramo #fru23 #associazione #raduni #fondazione #radiofrequenza #ateneo #abruzzolive #university #sixteenth #thisyear #first
#Festadeilavoratori, Cgil L’Aquila: “#Riaffermiamo uniti il valore del #Primomaggio “
L’Aquila. “#Festeggiamo quest’anno il #PrimoMaggio nel 75° anniversario della Costituzione Italiana; lo facciamo come abbiamo sempre fatto: confermando la nostra totale adesione ai principi e valori della #Resistenza italiana e della lotta di #Liberazione. #Principi e valori dai quali nasce la nostra Carta #Costituzionale e che i padri e le madri costituenti posero a […]
L'articolo #Festadeilavoratori, Cgil L’Aquila: “#Riaffermiamo uniti il valore del #Primomaggio “ sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Workers#'Day, #CGILL'Aquila: 'Let us reaffirm together the value of the #First of May
#L'Aquila. "#Thisyear we celebrate the #first of May on the #75th anniversary of the Italian Constitution; we do so as we have always done: by confirming our total adherence to the principles and values of the Italian Resistance and the #Liberation struggle. Principles and values from which our Constitutional Charter was born and which the constituent fathers and mothers laid [...].
The article Labour Day, #CGILL'Aquila: "Let us reaffirm united the value of the #First of May " seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
1-5-2023 9:48 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/festa-dei-lavoratori-cgil-laquila-riaffermiamo-uniti-il-valore-del-primo-maggio/
#festadeilavoratori #riaffermiamo #primomaggio #festeggiamo #resistenza #liberazione #principi #costituzionale #abruzzolive #cgill #first #l #thisyear #75th #liberation
That #RemindsMe; #InterGalacticAkiraAppreciationMarathonDay. #SameDay again #ThisYear...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
AKIRA soundtrack - Geinoh Yamashirogumi - "Requiem"
#remindsme #intergalacticakiraappreciationmarathonday #sameday #thisyear
I LOVE #ThisYear by #TheMountainGoats. A lot of people do, obv, and they find a lot of hope in it, which is wonderful! I do not.
I find bitter determination. It does not give vague and unfounded promises for a better future or just wave away real problems with "it gets better eventually." It makes an oath.
This year may not be better. Times may get tougher. who knows? but..., who cares? even if the effort kills me, I WILL make it, if only for the sake of making it. Bring it on.
[Originally posted by @em_7dice@mastodon.lol Jan 1, 2023]
MASTODON Aiming To Release A New Song This Year, Might Get Weird With Future Material
"We've talked about doing like a punk rock album where it's much quicker faster, straight to the punch kind of really fast music."
#themetaldogarticlelist #metalinjection #mastodon #newmusic #thisyear #gettingweird #futurematerial
#elonmusk 's #networth has already #dropped #13billiondollars #thisyear
HAHA!!! Let's keep the #net #worth #goingdown
#elonmusk #networth #dropped #13billiondollars #thisyear #net #worth #goingdown
I share #ThisYear by #theMountainGoats every New Year as my first (or last) post of the year and this year while listening realized, “holy shit, I’m still alive and I’ve made it so long” and I hope you all feel that or will feel that some day. I’m getting old and that’s amazing.
I LOVE #ThisYear by #TheMountainGoats. A lot of people do, obv, and they find a lot of hope in it, which is wonderful! I do not.
I find bitter determination. It does not give vague and unfounded promises for a better future or just wave away real problems with "it gets better eventually." It makes an oath.
This year may not be better. Times may get tougher. who knows? but..., who cares? even if the effort kills me, I WILL make it, if only for the sake of making it. Bring it on.
An annual tradition to start with this slice of joy:
#ThisYear #TheHoldSteady #AndItAlmostKilledMe
#thisyear #theholdsteady #anditalmostkilledme
In physics, the launch of the brand-new space telescope was a highlight, providing astronomers with unprecedented views of the cosmos. In addition, there were exciting developments in condensed matter physics, with new observations and discoveries being made.
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#SpaceMastodon #Spacedon #Space #AstronomyMastodon #Astrodon #Astronomy #ScienceMastodon #Sciencedon #Science #PhysicsMastodon #Physicsdon #Physics #YearinReview #ThisYear #2022 #Breakthroughs #Discoveries
#SpaceMastodon #spacedon #space #astronomymastodon #Astrodon #astronomy #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science #physicsmastodon #physicsdon #physics #yearinreview #thisyear #breakthroughs #discoveries
It was a banner year for science in 2022, with major breakthroughs and discoveries in a variety of fields.
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#Science #Mathematics #Math #Biology #ComputerScience #YearinReview #ThisYear #2022 #Breakthroughs #Discoveries
#science #mathematics #math #biology #computerscience #yearinreview #thisyear #breakthroughs #discoveries