I’m about the finish dinner and head on out. Regained access to the VPN because someone reset the lab.
Dropped two sessions and running scans through the AD network via a proxy while running Responder. I used the arp table.
Since every tool is getting detected except for my implant, I need to work on obfuscating my toolkits.
Nobody uses a banner in a default tool, and I need to check the API imports and exported functions to evade detection. Among other things that need serious work #THM
had a lot fun with the #thm Red Team Capstone Challenge. I choose #mythic 3 as #c2 with athena and apollo agents.
Good thing, no need to obfuscate because defender does not flag on athena and apollo.
Bad thing mythic or the agents are so unstabble so I switched to #sliver and #scarecrow to get things working....
#infosec #scarecrow #sliver #c2 #mythic #thm
📢🚨🏆 #TryHackMe 🎓Jr Penetration Tester ✅
This learning path covers the core technical skills that will allow you to succeed as a junior penetration tester. Upon completing this path, you will have the practical skills necessary to perform security assessments against web applications and enterprise infrastructure.
Already done
✅Offensive Pentesting
#THM #TryHackMe #Security #Infrastructure #PenTest #OffensiveSecurity
#tryhackme #thm #security #infrastructure #pentest #offensivesecurity
I also broke the top 4% rank...
#thm #tryhackme #cybersecurity #ctf
...und jetzt gleich um sieben:
Umweltorientiertes Verkehrsmanagement
Online Ringvorlesung
#thm #Friedberg #Wetterau
Yay, das war spaßig. https://tryhackme.com/3l1o7/badges/adventofcyber4 #thm #tryhackme #cybersec #securecoding #redteam #blueteam
#blueteam #redteam #securecoding #cybersec #tryhackme #thm
Just got Leveled Up! at TryHackMe 🚀
- Top: 1%
- Level: 10
- Badges: 20
- Rooms completed: 100
#thm #infosec #hacking #tryhackme #bugbounty
Just finshed TryHackMe #AdventOfCyber2022 Had a fun time with all the challenges and learned some stuff too. #thm #cybersecurity
#adventofcyber2022 #thm #cybersecurity
I might be late to the party for posting this but I just finished the #THM #TryhackMe advent 2022. Imo besides the crypto one where the IDE failed to load many many times.
Imma now do the previous advents now I guess.
When you've been debugging web apps with #cetus during #AdventOfCyber4 at #THM (https://tryhackme.com/christmas), you then jump into #IDA #disassembling and finally after more than 20 years the name comes back to you:
Game Wizard 32
I always remembered I had been using this, but never could remember the name. Now I'm off for nostalgia (hoping it can run in #DosBox)!
#dosbox #disassembling #ida #thm #adventofcyber4 #cetus
A little behind on #thm #AdventOfCyber2022 Starting day 9 tonight. Loving the challenges so far! Better late than never :bloblaugh:
Thank you for the detailed guide with the screenshots to help me find my way with #THM #AdventOfCyber Day 6
I appreciate your time & effort to help. Thanks! & Gookluck 😄
I'm having fun with #THM #AdventOfCyber too. Day 6
The question using InQuest website tripped me up because I could not find where to search on the hash value.
That should have been the easy part.
I watched the video walkthrough but could not make out what Meg said when navigating to the search tool. No worries, I got the concept so that was good.
Trying to make better habits while going through TryHackMe's Advent of Cyber. Reinforcing all of the information (no matter how elementary some of it seems) by taking detailed notes in Obsidian.
#tryhackme | #THM | #obsidian
Doing some Advent of Cyber on TryHackMe again! It's Day 3, and I just want to do some OSINT for Santa. :D May play a random game afterwards.
#Twitch #tryhackme #adventofcyber2022 #ENVtuber #VTubersAreStillWatching #smallstreamer #hacker #VTuberUprising #DEFCON #Hackers #THM #VTuber #streaming
#twitch #tryhackme #adventofcyber2022 #enVTuber #vtubersarestillwatching #smallstreamer #hacker #VTuberUprising #defcon #hackers #thm #vtuber #streaming
That section on privesc (privilege escalation) today on Cyber Advent leave your mind wandering?
Not being able to root something can make you go through all 5 stages of grief.
Were you curious about learning more?
This is a long/deep rabbit hole that is totally worth it. :ablobdj:
Personal favs:
GTFO bins: https://gtfobins.github.io/#
#ctf #thm #tryhackme #capturetheflag #infosec #redteam #exploit