I share my birthday with the feast day of Thomas Becket, the day on which he was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral. Here the events of 29 Dec 1170 are carved into a font from Lyngsjö Church, Sweden - on display in 2021 at the British Museum Becket exhibition. We see his murder at the hands of the knights and Edward Grim (one of the witnesses) taking a wound on the arm #medieval #becket #histodons #history #sverige #MedievalMastodon #saint #saints #ThomasBecket
#medieval #becket #histodons #history #sverige #medievalmastodon #saint #saints #thomasbecket
29 December is the #5thDayofChristmas, and the feast of #StThomasofCanterbury.
There are a number of #medieval #songs for St Thomas, but very few from the #earlymodern period, as his cult was outlawed during the #Reformation.
Here is Clangat Tuba, an early #Tudor #carol for his day from the #Ritson #Manuscript (BL Add. MS 5665)
#ThomasBecket #histodons #histodon #Tudors #earlymusic
#5thdayofchristmas #stthomasofcanterbury #medieval #songs #earlymodern #reformation #tudor #carol #ritson #manuscript #thomasbecket #histodons #histodon #tudors #earlymusic
Thomas Becket, a martyr in the Anglican and Catholic churches, was assassinated by a group of knights loyal to King Henry II of England inside Canterbury Cathedral on 29 December 1170. Becket has since been venerated as a saint in both churches.
#ThomasBecket #Saint #Martyr #Anglican #Catholic #KingHenryII #CanterburyCathedral
Below: Thomas Becket's murder in Canterbury Cathedral
#thomasbecket #saint #martyr #anglican #catholic #kinghenryii #canterburycathedral
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1173 - Trump Calls for End to Religious Persecution on 850th Anniversary of Thomas Becket’s Death" on @Spreaker #1stamendment #china #demoniacresistance #nullification2020 #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #thomasbecket #religiousfreedom #religiouspersecution #PresidentTrump
#1stamendment #China #DemoniacResistance #Nullification2020 #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #thomasbecket #religiousfreedom #religiouspersecution #presidenttrump