Cool Xenu · @xenu
6 followers · 60 posts · Server

Craven liar and UCP/TBA candidate, , doubles down on his dishonesty rather than taking accountability for his own actions, like former NDP MLA , even though Dang did nothing wrong, IMO.

The lack of character and integrity of UCP/TBA candidates is breathtaking.

#peterguthrie #thomasdang #alberta #ableg #abpoli #abvotes #teamucp #teamtba #teamucpliars

Last updated 1 year ago

Hackfest · @hackfest
241 followers · 15 posts · Server

Government of Alberta justice in Canada is badly in the wrong in this case!

The same issue with Quebec Government happened, but instead Quebec Government deployed a bug bounty and a responsible disclosure programs... nobody got sued even though it was said in medias!

Precedent like this are extremely dangerous to any Canadians cyber security researcher and should never happen.

The real issue is Government of Alberta (and Quebec) was to use a vulnerable COVID system that used public, yes PUBLIC information as an authentication process!


#shame #infosec #polcan #cybersecurity #alberta #thomasdang #breach #covidpassport #fail

Last updated 2 years ago