DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1292 followers · 16892 posts · Server

For this ... An image taken earlier this week of a place where my friends and I had /#MayDay rituals years ago. I'm not sure if had ever visited , but if he had visited / , I'm sure he would have wanted to erect a Maypole there. Now under the stewardship of the Trustees of Reservations, there is a circle of 12 large rocks around a tree -- and evidence that even today, folks are still having rituals atop this sacred spot!

#silentsunday #Beltaine #thomasmorton #Newbury #quascacunquen #oldtownhill #paganplace #landtrust #preservedland #massachusetts #newburymassachusetts

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1283 followers · 16891 posts · Server

Who was ?

He lived during the period, but was no Puritan. He was a self-professed "heathen" who joined with the local Native Americans and other English settlers who rejected Puritan values, to openly celebrate on top of a prominent hill south of Boston, Massachusetts. Morton also provided weapons to Native Americans to use against the Puritans. Eventually, Miles Standish had Morton banished (to the Isles of Shoals, where he was eventually rescued), and destroyed the Maypole and caused those who sought a different way of life to disperse, or face arrest.

Exceprt from "The Pagan Pilgrim: Thomas Morton of Merry Mount"

Intellectual "heathen" remains an inspiration
by Steve Rasmussen, 2001

"Those dour Puritans who knelt in thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock before marching forth to conquer the wilderness and its native inhabitants with Bibles and guns weren't the only pilgrims to seek spiritual freedom on the New World's shores. Just a few leagues up the Massachusetts coast from Plymouth's fortress of fundamentalist conformity, a poet and lawyer named Thomas Morton founded a colony that, had it survived Puritan persecution, might have spawned a far more Earth-friendly and egalitarian history of America than the one that's come down to us.

"Morton, a senior partner in a Crown-sponsored trading venture, sailed to New England in 1624 with a Captain Wollaston and 30 indentured young men. They settled and began trading for furs on a spit of land given them by the native Algonquin tribes, whose culture the classically educated, broad-minded Morton soon came to admire as far more civilized and humanitarian than that of his intolerant, brutal European neighbors. When Wollaston began seeking more profits by selling off the indentured servants to hard labor on the Virginia tobacco plantations, Morton persuaded the remaining servants (it wasn't hard) to reject their harsh master and throw in with this visionary as free members of a colony that would trade and live in harmony with the local tribes."

#thomasmorton #puritan #mayday

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1278 followers · 16890 posts · Server

And as for my past activism, I was the youngest member of the anti-nuclear Clamshell Aliiance, and a founder of the Alliance -- a pagan group whose motto was "Earth Religion, Earthly Concerns". Another TMA founder was a Wiccan feminist. Another was a Native American activist. I met both of them through the Clamshell Alliance years ago. During the mid-late 1980s, we worked with groups and even collaborated with the local group. Unfortunately, tragedy tore our group apart, but several members went on to become journalists (I was one of them), and continued to participate and organize events. I'm not as active as I used to be, but thanks to the internet, I know things were even worse than I suspected...

#thomasmorton #humanrights #earthfirst #activism #isitliketoday #coverups #greenwashing #oligarchy #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago