Just noticed that Another Round has appeared on Netflix UK. Watch it, love it, thank me later.
#anotherround #madsmikkelsen #thomasvinterberg #netflix
#Movies #Cine #Cinema #Films #Películas #Cinemastodon #ThomasVinterberg
Thomas Vinterberg, simply the best.
#movies #cine #cinema #films #peliculas #cinemastodon #thomasvinterberg
'Another Round' (2020) Review: A Drunkenly Delectable Drama http://hub.me/ao0fC Another Round, also known as its Danish title Druk (meaning yes, it’s subtitled in English), is now playing in select theaters and hits digital/on demand services on December 18th. #AnotherRound #Druk #moviereview #MadsMikkelsen #ThomasBoLarsen #ThomasVinterberg #foreignfilm #Denmark #Sweden #movies #SamuelGoldwynFilms #newrelease #nowplaying
#anotherround #Druk #moviereview #madsmikkelsen #ThomasBoLarsen #thomasvinterberg #foreignfilm #denmark #sweden #movies #SamuelGoldwynFilms #newrelease #nowplaying