"Claim: The waste from #thorium reactors would be easier to deal with than waste from today’s uranium reactors.
False. A comprehensive study from the US Energy Department in 2014 found that waste from thorium-uranium fuel cycles has similar radioactivity at 100 years to uranium-plutonium fuel cycles, and actually has higher waste radioactivity at 100,000 years."
Preparing for an onslaught of #Thorium trolls. I figure posting something by my buddy Dr. Caldicott ought to do the trick, eh?
The delusion of thorium
By Helen Caldicott
"Although thorium advocates say that thorium reactors produce little radioactive waste, they simply produce a different spectrum of waste to those from uranium-235. This still includes many dangerous alpha and beta emitters, and isotopes with extremely long half-lives, including iodine-129 (half-life of 15.7 million years)."
Here's a new one: a positive take on nuclear in Austria, focused on #thorium.
Columbia Business School Case: https://gwagner.com/clean-core/
#climate #nuclear
📬 Updaten! Bugfixes für Brave, Edge und Vivaldi verfügbar
#Datenschutz #Internet #ChromiumFork #EdgeBrowser #MikeKuketz #Opera #Thorium #ThoriumDinoGame #Vivaldi https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/datenschutz/updaten-bugfixes-fuer-brave-edge-und-vivaldi-verfuegbar-278877.html
#datenschutz #internet #chromiumfork #edgebrowser #mikekuketz #opera #thorium #thoriumdinogame #vivaldi
Festival Review: SOS Festival XIV (Saturday’s Bands) – Whittles@tokyo, Oldham (July 1st 2023)
A delayed review, for which I offer apologies. The re
#GigReviews #BlueNation #Circus66 #Crowley #LukeAppleton #LukeAppletonPowerTrio #Metaprism #OldGloryAndTheBlackRiviera #Scarsun #SOSFestival #TheEvent #TheHotOneTwo #Thorium #WardXVI #WhiteTyger
#whitetyger #wardxvi #thorium #thehotonetwo #theevent #sosfestival #scarsun #oldgloryandtheblackriviera #metaprism #lukeappletonpowertrio #lukeappleton #crowley #circus66 #bluenation #GigReviews
@fourmiune Oh, and of course, radium water before that. The heath benefits are just as flawed as the #nuclear #hormesis theory!
"In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie made a huge discovery. While studying uraninte, a radioactive mineral high in uranium and ore, they managed to separate out several components. They eventually isolated radium itself and announced the find to the world. The scientific community was elated. This strange element didn’t follow the laws of physics. People immediately hoped to find a medicinal purpose for radium. An experiment in 1911 on horses raised the possibility that radium had anti-aging properties. In 1913, newspaper announced the creation of 'radium water,' which was brewed by pouring water into a container with radium.
"Once this water was released to the public, it took off. RadiThor was especially popular in the 1920’s, when people could buy a 1-ounce bottle for $1. Now, that’s over $15, but customers were eager to reap the proclaimed health benefits. Doctors started prescribing it for everything from high blood pressure to arthritis to sexual impotence. It remained popular for years and radium started appearing in other products. You could even find #toothpaste made from #radium and #thorium. The creator reasoned that since radium glowed in the dark, it could make one’s teeth shine, too. The element even ended up in #chocolate and #bread. Why were people so happy to ingest something we know now is so toxic?
"For one thing, people weren’t totally ignorant about radium’s dangers. In plants where the substance was handled, workers knew to wear lead aprons and other safety equipment, but that was pure radium. The amount of radium in products like Radium Water was very small. Also, when ingested, radium can initially cause the appearance of better health thanks to its stimulation of red blood cells. However, as people would soon realize, even a teeny-tiny amount of radium could do incredible damage over time..."
#nuclear #hormesis #toothpaste #radium #thorium #chocolate #bread
@ch0ccyra1n There's three dedicated clients that I know of, but they all seem abandoned, eg:
#Thorium (last updated April 2022)
#P2Play (Dec 2019)
#Tubelab (July 2022)
Right now I would recommend just using one of the more maintained #Mastodon clients that also supports #Peertube, like #Fedilab.
You could also try #NewPipe / #YaShlang.
I wish someone would take the code from Fedilab/Tusky, put a #YouTube like interface on it and maintain it!
I can only offer a free icon #design as help...
#thorium #p2play #TubeLab #mastodon #peertube #fedilab #youtube #design #newpipe #yashlang
Wir reden grad in der Pause darüber, deswegen nochmal hier:
Wer mir irgendeinen Mumpitz über #Thorium-Reaktoren in die TL haut, wird kommentarlos geblockt.
Here, let me fix this for you:
South bay expat marooned in Nowhereville CA north of the BA. Thanks tech invaders for driving up housing prices. Now go home.
Pragmatic to a fault. Political Centrist. Pro America. Anti-Trump. A dyed-in-the-wool political normie. Into neither fascists nor pronoun squads.
Grounded. Maybe too grounded. Fitness adjacent. Science enthusiast.
#photography #SierraNevada #mountains #outdoors #hiking #rivers #streams #weightlifting #lftr #thorium #evs #environment #homepvstorage #cosmos #space
Now that's better. Posting only apart of my profile as to make an argument is so Tucker Carlson of you. Especially the way that you came at me for expressing a viewpoint that differs from yours. You act MAGA like that.
I'll also point out that I don't use pronouns as a statement as I feel I don't have a need for it. And please note that I never said anything about opposing trans rights or their use of pronouns .
If you don't like that, then block me. Simple, right?
#photography #Sierranevada #mountains #outdoors #hiking #rivers #streams #weightlifting #lftr #thorium #evs #environment #homepvstorage #cosmos #space
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-thorium-nuclear-transition-lasers-visible.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-06-thorium-nuclear-transition-lasers-visible.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1664356692375531523#m
#Thorium-229: How the first nuclear transition can be excited with lasers in the visible wavelength range @uni_mainz_eng https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.023134 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-thorium-nuclear-transition-lasers-visible.html
Durchbruch auf dem Weg zur Atomkern-Uhr. Erster Nachweis der beim Zustandswechsel im Thorium-Atomkern freigesetzten Photonen. #Atomkern #Thorium #Atomuhr #Zeitmessung #Atomkernuhr
#Atomkern #thorium #Atomuhr #Zeitmessung #atomkernuhr
Let's see... phosphogypsum.. what does the EPA say? "The waste that is left behind is called phosphogypsum. Most of the naturally-occurring uranium, thorium and radium found in phosphate rock ends up in this waste. " #uranium #radium #thorium https://www.epa.gov/radtown/radioactive-material-fertilizer-production
RT @thjr19
Grand Delusion: Why Battery Storage Can’t Fix Wind & Solar’s Intermittency Problem
#nuclear #uranium #thorium #repeal140A #auspol #AusPol2023
#nuclear #uranium #thorium #repeal140a #auspol #auspol2023
RT @thjr19
Open letter: Call for continued operation of German nuclear power plants
#nuclear #uranium #thorium #repeal140A #auspol #AusPol2023
#nuclear #uranium #thorium #repeal140a #auspol #auspol2023
@hackbyte It may easily be far longer than 17 years. The #thorium-reactors in #Hamm and #Jülich had severe accidents and were shut down, but it may take a century or so until they can be torn down...too much #radioactivity inside the dome. @jwildeboer @Locke
#thorium #Hamm #julich #radioactivity
Want to go #green but nowhere to plug in? The latest #Tesla #AI Galactic uses #Clean #Nuclear power: No tiresome recharging, no wrestling with grubby cables; Simply an annual top-up of Florida seawater: Extracts the #Thorium making its own fuel. Also, find it fast in busy parking lots using the smart watch controller with in-built Geiger counter
#green #tesla #ai #clean #nuclear #thorium
Can #thorium nuclear #energy make a comeback?
> #Nuclear energy gets a pretty bad rap – for good #reasons. But thorium, a weakly #radioactive element, is hailed to fix all its #problems: no #meltdowns, less #waste…
#waste #meltdowns #problems #radioactive #reasons #nuclear #energy #thorium
Can #thorium nuclear #energy make a comeback?
> #Nuclear energy gets a pretty bad rap – for good #reasons. But thorium, a weakly #radioactive element, is hailed to fix all its #problems: no #meltdowns, less #waste…
#waste #meltdowns #problems #radioactive #reasons #nuclear #energy #thorium