Gizmodo: Taika Waititi Thinks Thor 5 Would Need a Truly Worthy Villain #entertainmentculture #malekiththeaccursed #thorloveandthunder #gorrthegodbutcher #taikawaititi #titanbooks #janefoster #asgard #thor #loki #hela #odin
#entertainmentculture #malekiththeaccursed #thorloveandthunder #gorrthegodbutcher #taikawaititi #titanbooks #janefoster #asgard #thor #loki #hela #odin
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
See #JaneFoster taken by 2 giant #Hulks in this 124 image epic of muscle transformation, domination, and magic-sized penetration.
Exclusive pin-ups and #NSFW content
#r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference
#thor #enchantress #janefoster #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #bondage #sizedifference #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
#janefoster #Hulks #nsfw #r34 #lewd #bondage #sizedifference #thor #enchantress #janefosterthor #thorloveandthunder #magicpowers #marvel #captured #damselindistress #superheroine
Les #GardiensDeLaGalaxie Vol. 3, c'était assez éprouvant ; plus pour le focus sur un certain personnage et ses origines que pour le côté chapitre qui se clôt.
Le #film en lui-même a des longueurs et est autant un étalage gratuit de musiques que de visages connus du Gunniverse, mais il a de bonnes idées et le bon goût de ne pas trop pousser les curseurs au max comme un certain #ThorLoveAndThunder.
Ça reste le meilleur film récent de l'écurie #MCU.
Mais qu'est-ce que c'était éprouvant... 😩
#gardiensdelagalaxie #film #thorloveandthunder #mcu
#ChrisHemsworth Thinks #ThorLoveAndThunder Became Far 'Too Silly'
#chrishemsworth #thorloveandthunder
BREAKING NEWS: Kevin Feige announces #IronMan2, #ThorTheDarkWorld, #DoctorStrange2, #ThorLoveandThunder, and #QuantumMania will be scrubbed from Disney+ and snapped out of existence.
#ironman2 #thorthedarkworld #doctorstrange2 #thorloveandthunder #quantummania
Just tried to watch #ThorLoveAndThunder for the second time. Failed again, just something about the way it's presented means I can't stand it.
I've already caught up on the plot, so I don't actually need to watch it, but thought I'd give it one more chance. Oh well, re-deleted it, precious space returned (:*
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Tilføjelsen af Lady Thor er fed og den tragiske baggrund er interessant. Desværre bliver rigtig mange scener punkteret med quippy eller tamme jokes. Gorr er ligeledes en spændende karakter, men aldrig udfoldet nok. 6/10 #Obifilm #Dkfilm #filmklubdk #GuardiansoftheGalaxy #Thorloveandthunder
#obifilm #dkfilm #filmklubdk #guardiansofthegalaxy #thorloveandthunder
I made my wife laugh for a solid 3 minutes by comparing the noises my 8yr old made while playing on his tablet to the screaming goats from Thor: Love and Thunder.
#LaughterIsTheBestMedicine #Marriage #MawiageIsWhatBwingsUsTogevarToday #Thor #ThorLoveAndThunder
#laughteristhebestmedicine #marriage #mawiageiswhatbwingsustogevartoday #thor #thorloveandthunder
I saw #Antman #quantumania last night and really enjoyed it. Cassie was great, I liked Scott's character arc, and I liked how the movie had a strong focus on its main plot. A lot of Marvel movies like #thorloveandthunder have the heroes go to completely unrelated realms for no reason except to set up spin off movies. #Antman didn't do that.
My only problem with the movie is that #Kang was supposed to look incredibly scary and he just struck me as being stupid. He had opportunities to kill Scott, Cassie, Hope, and Janet, and he kept choosing to let them live. If that was deliberately done to show his arrogance or his thirst for revenge or to show him being a failed Kang, then it's fine, but it looked like lazy writing to me. Still, I liked the movie overall and will probably watch it again some day.
#antman #quantumania #thorloveandthunder #kang
I love hitting the road and playing across the country—but there is a special charm to these virtual live shows. Don't miss this one where we take the piss out of that most recent THOR movie. Oh, and I think we *may* have the next virtual show already booked... stay tuned.
RT @whmpodcast
Just a little over four hours remain to catch the replay of our #ThorLoveAndThunder live show and the super-blue After Party Q&A that followed! You…
Just a little over four hours remain to catch the replay of our #ThorLoveAndThunder live show and the super-blue After Party Q&A that followed! You don't wanna miss this one... 🎟️:
Big week for caped crusaders in the WHMU! Our #BlackAdam episode is now LIVE on the free feed AND you still have through Thursday to catch our #ThorLoveAndThunder virtual live show—including the wild, drug & booze-fueled after party!
#blackadam #thorloveandthunder