For #ThornyThursday, a cactus shot with high-contrast film. From the botanical garden in Bosque Chapultepec, Mexico City.
#thorny #cactus #cactodon #film #filmPhotography #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BlackAndWhite #BlancoYNegro #fantome8 #lomography #cdmx #MexicoCity #jardinBotanico #Chapultepec
#blancoynegro #blackandwhite #chapultepec #mexicocity #lomography #jardinbotanico #cdmx #fantome8 #blackandwhitephotography #filmphotography #film #cactodon #cactus #thorny #thornythursday
Regular weekly #Hashtags (Rev 1.2)
#Caturday #InsectSaturday #InsektenSamstag #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayArt #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdaySighting #SaturdayVibes #ScreenshotSaturday #SoulfulSaturday #StoatSaturday
#HappySunday #ShakespeareSunday #SilentSunday #SocialistSunday #StandingStoneSunday #SundayFunday #SundayMorning #SundayRoast #SundayStory #SundayVibes
#BlueMonday #FotoMontag #MacroMonday #MondayMood #MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MonDog #MonochromeMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MushroomMonday #MusicMonday #PhotoMonday
#AstroTuesday #MusicTuesday #SnootBoopTuesday #TattooTuesday #TextureTuesday #ThickTrunkTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TombTuesday #TongueOutTuesday #TreeTuesday #TuesdayArt
#WaterfallWednesday #Wedsneigh #WhiskersWednesday #WildHorseWednesday #WIPWednesday
#BlackandWhiteThursday #RomanFortThursday #ThirstyThursday #ThornyThursday #ThrowBackThursday #ThursdayVibes #VerseThursday
#AlternateFridayMusic #BandcampFriday #BlackFriday #BunnyButtFriday #FensterFreitag #FernFriday #FineFemmeFriday #FingerFoodFriday #FingerPostFriday #FlashbackFriday #FloralFriday #FlowerFriday #FlyFriday #FollowBackFriday #FollowFriday #FortnightFridayMusic #FossilFriday #FridayFeeling #FridayFold #FridayMusic #FridayNightBeersAreTheBestBeers #FridayNightZillow #FridaysForFuture #FridayVibes #FrogFriday #FunFriday #FungiFriday #FurSuitFriday #JukeboxFridayNight #PhotographyFriday #WindowFriday
#hashtags #caturday #insectsaturday #insektensamstag #romansitesaturday #saturdayart #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaysighting #saturdayvibes #screenshotsaturday #soulfulsaturday #stoatsaturday #happysunday #shakespearesunday #silentsunday #socialistsunday #standingstonesunday #sundayfunday #sundaymorning #sundayroast #sundaystory #sundayvibes #bluemonday #Fotomontag #macromonday #mondaymood #mondaymorning #mondaymotivation #mondog #monochromemonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #MushroomMonday #musicmonday #Photomonday #astrotuesday #MusicTuesday #snootbooptuesday #tattootuesday #texturetuesday #thicktrunktuesday #toebeanstuesday #tombtuesday #tongueouttuesday #treetuesday #TuesdayArt #waterfallwednesday #wedsneigh #whiskerswednesday #wildhorsewednesday #wipwednesday #blackandwhitethursday #romanfortthursday #thirstythursday #thornythursday #throwbackthursday #thursdayvibes #VerseThursday #alternatefridaymusic #BandcampFriday #blackfriday #bunnybuttfriday #fensterfreitag #fernfriday #finefemmefriday #fingerfoodfriday #fingerpostfriday #flashbackfriday #floralfriday #flowerfriday #flyfriday #followbackfriday #followfriday #fortnightfridaymusic #fossilfriday #fridayfeeling #fridayfold #fridaymusic #fridaynightbeersarethebestbeers #fridaynightzillow #fridaysforfuture #fridayvibes #frogfriday #funfriday #FungiFriday #fursuitfriday #jukeboxfridaynight #photographyfriday #windowfriday
@Anthro @Abibliophobia
I recently tried inventing a new hashtag, only to discover @loren had been there already!
(Here's a belated contribution to that not-so-original #thornyThursday - #cactus from #VolunteerParkConservatory, #Seattle.)
#thornythursday #cactus #volunteerparkconservatory #seattle
In mid-May 2003.
#ThornyThursday #porcupine #Nature #Trees
#trees #nature #porcupine #thornythursday
For #ThornyThursday (new favorite hashtag). Rose galls on the stem of a wild rose, most likely a Nootka rose. Insect larva burrow into the plant, and the plant grows these structures to deal with the damage - unwittingly building a protected shelter for the larva.
#plants #botany #roses #thorns #thorny #wildRoses #pnw #nativePlants #macro #macroPhotography #nativePlants #nootkaRose
#NootkaRose #macrophotography #macro #nativeplants #pnw #wildroses #thorny #thorns #roses #botany #plants #thornythursday
@coprolite9000 Here's my contribution. 😀 #thornythursday #trees #thorns #nature #naturephotography
#thornythursday #trees #thorns #Nature #naturephotography
I just discovered the hashtag #ThornyThursday.
Here's a large, old Porcupine. Its quills are sharp and barbed and will embed themselves in skin and mouths of predators.
They are slow moving but good climbers, eating leaves and bark high up in trees.
#Ontario #WildlifePhotography
#wildlifephotography #ontario #thornythursday
One of my favorite plants, the Ocotillo aka the Devil's Walking Stick. This was after a rain and before it got cold, so it was covered in leaves. Right now you just see the thorns. In the spring they have pretty red flowers right at the tip of each branch. They were once used as roofing material in adobe houses. I don't know what hashtag to use for desert plants. #ThornyThursday?
@SudoNaaame #WaterMeWednesday
#ThornyThursday (mostly rose bushes?)
#watermewednesday #thornythursday #terracottatuesday