A biweekly #republican response over horrific shootings.
There is no doubt in my mind that tens of thousands could be massacred by small arms fire at a sporting event or concert, and this is what they would say and still do nothing.
#thoughtsandprayers #republican
@ronanmcd apparently wanting our kids to survive into adulthood is too much to ask for, we just have to accept that they might be randomly killed by a driver at some point and it’s an unavoidable tragedy #ThoughtsAndPrayers
#FireWeather 🧵 /7
The answer is no. Two cities were under attack from #ClimateSupercharged wildfires this week, Professor. Nobody's looking for your #ThoughtsAndPrayers. We need action, not #AxeTheTax rallies or a #CleanEnergyMoratorium. Good God man, step up & be useful to your country
PODCAST: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/250741/link/
#ClimateTurnedTheCorner #FireWeather #EndTheMoratorium #FireWeather #abpoli #yyc #Yellowknife #Kelowna #ClimateChange #cdnpoli #Wildfires
#fireweather #climatesupercharged #thoughtsandprayers #axethetax #cleanenergymoratorium #climateturnedthecorner #endthemoratorium #abpoli #yyc #yellowknife #kelowna #climatechange #cdnpoli #wildfires
Concerned about the forecasted high temperatures predicted by @Connemaraweather
#ThoughtsAndPrayers to the people of #Clifden
📉: "Als Vorstandsvorsitzender eines DAX-Konzerns verdiente man im Geschäftsjahr 2022 durchschnittlich 5,1 Millionen Euro. Als einfaches Vorstandsmitglied durchschnittlich 2,9 Millionen Euro."
Verglichen mit gewöhnlichen Angestellten heißt das: Die DAX-Vorstände verdienen 38 mal mehr als der Durchschnitt. Der Abstand ist aber kleiner geworden: Denn im Vorjahr war es sogar 52 mal mehr...
➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/dsw-dax-vorstaende-verguetung-100.html
#thoughtsandprayers #taxtherich
August 14-20 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "#ThoughtsAndPrayers" by #JenniferLagier: https://poemsoncrime.blogspot.com/2023/08/jennifer-lagier.html
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #thoughtsandprayers #jenniferlagier
@nikostr Again, good points, that I agree with. I realize many genes, described as such, are in fact complex or polygenic (which is why I used air-quotes), but still tested for. One of the reasons I started asking this question is that I grew tired of hearing #ThoughtsAndPrayers , #EnoughIsEnough and #NeverAgain , but nothing being done to address #RootCauses. One more question, if you'll endure it, suppose there was a #DeplorableGene risk factor; add it #BackgroundChecks for #AssaultWeapons ?
#thoughtsandprayers #EnoughIsEnough #neveragain #rootcauses #deplorablegene #backgroundchecks #assaultweapons
Mitch McConnell has been screwing Americans, and without even using a condom, for nearly four decades. Perhaps that came to an end today.
#MitchMcConnell #ThoughtsAndPrayers
#thoughtsandprayers #mitchmcconnell
Hey, Mitch!
I have absolutely no sympathy for you. It’s all going to every life that you and your shit party have deprived of the decency and dignity every human deserves.
I leave you with this: “thoughts and prayers.” I’ve no compassion for you or your putrid party. None. When you and everyone of your cankered ilk are gone, we’ll assuredly have “a more perfect Union.”
#MitchMcConnell #ThoughtsAndPrayers
#thoughtsandprayers #mitchmcconnell
I promised my bestie I'd #read the OUTLANDER #book and then we'd watch the series (she loves both, but knows they are comfort food for her).
I posted that in a few places, and I can't tell you how many author and writer friends were like #ThoughtsAndPrayers #amreading 😂
So...the reading begins tonight!
#amreading #thoughtsandprayers #book #read
@KimPerales Meanwhile in the Great State of #Texas facing an epic heat wave, the Head GOP genius and humanitarian, Gov Abbott passed a law rescinding local ordinances mandating water breaks for workers exposed to the heat. Coincidentally, days later, a worker died of heat stroke. #ThoughtsAndPrayers! The law has not yet gone into effect, but heat is the issue, and with idiots in charge, it can only turn out badly, regardless of what BS business excuse they blurt out. 🤔
#ThoughtsAndPrayers 🙏 for Southwest ranchers losing livestock to #MexicanWolves. 👉 https://mexicanwolves.org/in-the-news-rancher-wolf-battle-escalates/
When a #Lobo mauls to death 20 elementary school children and their teacher maybe then we can discuss #WolfControl ? 🤔
#thoughtsandprayers #mexicanwolves #lobo #wolfcontrol #EnoughIsEnough
#ThoughtsAndPrayers 🙏 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/yellowstone-national-park-grizzly-bear_n_64be0900e4b08a8c9210f545
Maybe when a lone #GrizzlyBear mauls to death 20 elementary school children and their teacher we can start discussing #BearControl ? 🤔
#thoughtsandprayers #grizzlybear #bearcontrol #EnoughIsEnough
@timbosteron @Perowinger94 Find ich nicht. Es erfüllt im Einzelfall (hoffentlich) nicht den Straftatbestand nach StGB.
Aber so wie die USA eine ungesunde Beziehung zu privatem Schusswaffenbesitz haben, so müssen wir uns als Gesellschaft damit konfrontieren, dass der mehrheitsfähige Konsens in Deutschland war und ist: die konkreten Autoprivilegien sind wichtiger als die abstrakte Gefahr zu sterben, oder Angehörige zu verlieren.
788 Verkehrstote in 2022.
#Racist Beat on 2 Black women his funeral arrangements have yet to be made “thoughts & prayers” #Black #Blackwomen #RIP #America #ThoughtsAndPrayers #blackmastodon whelp guess he found out 💥 https://tbhenry.medium.com/white-man-beat-on-2-black-women-in-lieu-of-flowers-black-america-can-send-thoughts-prayers-as-a4ad2925c6ae
#racist #Black #blackwomen #rip #america #thoughtsandprayers #blackmastodon