#ThrashLab presentations at #ASMicrobe 2023 - 4 interesting posters and one rapid fire talk covering everything from SAR11 PHAs to Roseobacter to hydrocarbon degraders. From @ShelbyJBarnes1 @jordantcoelho @GreenwoodBritt and Cole Hider https://thethrashlab.com/2023/06/01/thrashlab-presentations-at-asmicrobe-2023/
Come see @vclanclos poster on CHAB-I-5 Roseobacter isolation at #ASLO23 on Weds Jun 7th in SSO63P https://aslo.secure-platform.com/2023/solicitations/12/sessiongallery/1115 #thrashlab
Come see
poster on CHAB-I-5 Roseobacter isolation at #ASLO23 on Weds Jun 7th in SSO63P https://aslo.secure-platform.com/2023/solicitations/12/sessiongallery/1115 #thrashlab
More views from the third #micrO2respir cruise we’re on. CTD ops with @zackhenning4, DIY secchi disk, night shot. #thrashlab
We've been learning a lot from footage, especially about how what we see from the camera relates to data the CTD. Also it's nice to have visual detection of particulate mass coming down (and ctenophores!). Almost marine snow. #micrO2respir #thrashlab
Preview of coming attractions! We've been taking 4K GoPro footage of most of our casts since the GOM shelf is quite shallow. There will be video on YouTube eventually, but here are some screen grabs... #micrO2respir #thrashlab #NSFfunded
#micro2respir #thrashlab #nsffunded