Last night, decided to dig into #StarWarsExpandedUniverse. Never got into it, cuz it seemed so nebulous w/a lot of hit-n-miss books. W/Disney, et al actively flushing my beloved mythos down the toilet, did some research, and started listening to the #ThrawnTrilogy on audiobook. It was often at/near the top of any listical/article I found, so figured I'd start there.
I'm 4 chapters into #HeirToTheEmpire, and totally loving it!
#starwarsexpandeduniverse #thrawntrilogy #heirtotheempire #starwars #notsorry
I drew Lieutenant #Thrawn graduation portrait from the academy on Coruscant. I imagine Eli made him pose for this. #ThrawnTrilogy
I drew lieutenant Thrawn, graduation portrait that Eli made him get. #ThrawnTrilogy #mitthārawānuruodo