The pdf maker app was #threadreaderapp. See here an example as screenshot of a text in German, a review of Maja Göpel's national and ethnic (völkisch) book _The Great Mindshift: How a New Economic Paradigm and Sustainability Transformations go Hand in Hand_. Find the full text in the follwing thread. I wish there'd be some thread into text maker for #Mastodon. #MajaGoepel, #ClimateChange, #Economics
#threadreaderapp #mastodon #majagoepel #climatechange #economics
you can "bookmark" it to your account, or just save a browser bookmark. But if you want to have an offline/permanent copy, I don't think any tools for that yet exist. At least neither #GetPocket (Mozilla) nor #ThreadReaderApp yet support Mastodon/ActivityPub.
@chowderman @t_mkdf
"Thousands of small developers may have to shut down free tools like #ThreadReaderApp or #RemindMe_ofThis, the Verge reported, impacting hundreds of thousands of followers who rely on small developers to build tools that help maximize their engagement with the platform."
This latest news from #Twitter is basically leading me to almost total disengagement from the #FowlPlace.
I have disconnected my blog from Twitter (I don't think I have posted from my site to Twitter since late last year). I still follow some Twitter users and lists in #Inoreader (mostly Twitter hold-outs). I suspect that will end too.
The end result is that Twitter becomes yet another service I have an account on, and mostly return to a couple times a year to remind myself how lousy it is.
#threadreaderapp #remindme_ofthis #twitter #fowlplace #inoreader
@atrupar I don’t have a problem as the people I reported/blocked and were banned are still blocked since the Chief Twit let them back on. I block liberally. Unfortunately the experts I follow are still there so keep the account for #Threadreaderapp Not enough have moved here or to #Substack. When they get off the #Birdsite I will too.
#threadreaderapp #substack #birdsite
Just sayin' #hydrogen won't be the solution. Oh, and besides I would call threadreaderapp my most valuable post-twitter-tools.
"A thread for those who think we're going to be importing lots of hydrogen over vast distances."
#hydrogen #PostTwitterTools #nitter #threadreaderapp
Just sayin' #hydrogen won't be the solution. Oh, and besides I would call threadreaderapp my most valuable post-twitter-tools
#PostTwitterTools #nitter #hydrogen #threadreaderapp
Quote: "Anything similar to Thread Reader for Mastodon?"
#threadreader #thread #threadreaderapp #mastodon
@GossiTheDog to date I have blocked over 100K accounts, most people the Chief Twit let back in so I won’t be annoyed. Doubt reporting works now so just block. Only there for a few friends who are still there and encouraging them to migrate. And for #Threadreaderapp which saves threads from those I had followed. Spend my time here.
@TheBird just found this and saved link to your #Covid database. Thanks. I have saved lots too from #Twitter threads in #threadreaderapp to articles, most in my files and #Epocrates excellent resource for doctors and nurses which is why I have it. Early on @drericding had a thread on the #CRBox and I gave the instructions to friends, one a school principal and one a teacher as schools here have inadequate filtration MERV 8 HEPA best. Masks N95, KN95 what I wear.
#covid #twitter #threadreaderapp #epocrates #crbox
@florisbiskamp Erhellender Thread zu Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wieder was dazugelernt. 👍 Da wünsch ich mir doch glatt die #Threadreaderapp für #Mastadon.
Salut les utilisateurs de Mastodon. Savez-vous s'il existe un équivalent de #threadreaderapp pour les pouets ? J'aime beaucoup cette application qui me sauvegarde de jolis pdf de mes abonnements préférés. C'est ce qui me fait rester sur twitter essentiellement. Et surtout certains postent des fils sur Mastodon aussi depuis quelques temps 😋
#BankOfEngland #QuantitativeTightening
Richard J Murphy
"The Bank of England began quantitative tightening yesterday. It sold £750 million of its supposed bond holding acquired during quantitative easing programmes back to financial markets. That is very bad news for ordinary people. A thread..."
#threadreaderapp #Costoflivingcrisis #UKeconomy #QuantitativeTightening #bankofengland
Damn, can't that guy write one article instead of a fucking twitter thread..
But yes, good read apart from that.
And then there's #ThreadReaderApp