@rvawonk Good to see your research in the media. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/02/10/analysis/russian-propaganda-freedom-convoy-disinformation
#FreedumConvoy #Facism #authoritarianism #socialmedia #disinformation
#ThreatsToDemocracy #Democracy #Canada #cdnpoli #canpoli
#freedumconvoy #facism #authoritarianism #socialmedia #disinformation #threatstodemocracy #democracy #canada #cdnpoli #canpoli
A very good discussion of the legal vulnerabilities that could affect the 2024 US elections.
#US2024Election #ElectoralReform #ThreatsToDemocracy
#threatstodemocracy #electoralreform #us2024election
Historian Thomas Zimmer puts the the Muskification of the birdsite into a broader context.
' Twitter has enabled people with absolutely no traditional access to power to speak to powerful elites directly, criticize them in the public square. How valuable this has been is evidenced by the fact that many of those elites are so consistently bemoaning “persecution.” '
#twitter #PoliticalPower #ThreatsToDemocracy #RightWing
#rightwing #threatstodemocracy #politicalpower #Twitter