The Three-Body Problem (Liu Cixin)
The ideas and concepts in this book are very creative, especially the particle physics twist.
However, certain aspects like the VR game were confusing. I also did not appreciate that the aliens are essentially like humans.
Will definitely continue reading though.
#books #scifi #threebodyproblem
I just finished the Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin. Is it bad that I sympathize with the Adventist perspective on humanity? #scifi #books #ThreeBodyProblem
#scifi #books #threebodyproblem
Habe das #threebodyproblem zu 2/3 gelesen und bin nicht sicher, was ich davon halten soll. Dann noch ein Video über die Trilogie auf YT gesehen (ohne zu detaillierte Spoiler), und jetzt stehe ich wie @DePaelzerBu vor dem Schwarm und frage mich: Will ich das zuende lesen? Will ich Band 2 & 3 lesen, oder ist das alles nur hochgehypter Schrott? #scienceficion
#threebodyproblem #scienceficion
@peter I think I recall you mentioning reading the the #ThreeBodyProblem series too:
Probably I'm not the first with this question, but... isn't it actually a four-body-problem? Even though the planet is small, it still has mass and influences the movement of the three suns. And knowing where the suns are doesn't necessarily tell you where the planet will be in the constellation.
Indeed. But as time goes on that is less and less likely. We're steadily making progress in proving that aliens aren't anywhere near us, building up evidence that confirms the #RareEarthHypothesis and solving the #FermiParadox .
And Cixin Liu's #ThreeBodyProblem and #DarkForest #books and #hypothesis speculate that if interstellar aliens exist and they detect us they would immediately sterilize our solar system to prevent us developing AGI that might compete with theirs.
#hypothesis #Books #DarkForest #threebodyproblem #fermiparadox #rareearthhypothesis
#NowReading Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin.
#nowreading #scifi #threebodyproblem
mute the hashtag, if this bothers you, I am trying to entertain over here #threebodyproblem
if you've read the books, join me
ENG SUB [Three-Body] EP01 |
nokia phones and ring tones in #threebodyproblem freaking me out everytime they ring
I just finished #ThreeBodyProblem, the first book of Remembrance of Earth's Past.
I'm happy to report that it's amazing and beautiful and profound and well worth any and all awards it has received. And my only regret is that I can't read it in the original Chinese due to my own linguistic shortcomings.
Has anyone that has read #threebodyproblem see how it could be made into a tv series by Netflix? #scifi #scifibooks .
I am struggling with it as so much seems to happen inside a fully immersive game space or revisits the early stages of the cultural revolution that I'm not sure how it will translate to the visual medium.
#threebodyproblem #scifi #scifibooks
If the Netflix Three Body Problem adaptation isn’t good, I’m broadcasting Earth’s location to the cosmos #threebodyproblem #scifi