Rise And Shine Music: Three Days Grace – I Hate Everything About You
Welcome to the Rise And Shine Music segment! Every morning, Geek Alabama will feature a different music video to start your day! Now, enjoy a music video to begin your day!
#RiseAndShineMusicStuff #IHateEverythingAboutYou #MorningMusic #Musicvideo #RiseAndShineMusic #StartTheDayMusic #SunriseMusic #ThreeDaysGrace
#riseandshinemusicstuff #ihateeverythingaboutyou #morningmusic #musicvideo #riseandshinemusic #startthedaymusic #sunrisemusic #threedaysgrace
Alexisonfire, Nickelback, Voivod, Wake, Etc. Among 2023 ‘Juno Awards’ Nominees https://www.theprp.com/2023/01/31/news/alexisonfire-nickelback-voivod-wake-etc-among-2023-juno-awards-nominees/ #ThreeDaysGrace #Alexisonfire #BillyTalent #CancerBats #GetTheShot #JunoAwards #Nickeback #Voivod #News #Wake
#threedaysgrace #alexisonfire #billytalent #cancerbats #gettheshot #junoawards #nickeback #voivod #news #wake
Song recommendation:
Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
#Song #Music #ThreeDaysGrace
My #SpotifyWrapped top 10 songs: #HardRock #heavymetal
1) Kill Beautiful Things by #DED
2) Shotgun Blues by #Volbeat
3) Call Me Little Sunshine by #Ghost
4) So Called Life by #ThreeDaysGrace
5) Coming for the Throne by #Otherwise
6) Boomerang by #SmashIntoPieces
7) Mary on a Cross by Ghost
8) Tainted Blood by #BlueOysterCult
9) Heathens by Smash into Pieces
10) Take What You Want by #DefLeppard
#defleppard #blueoystercult #smashintopieces #otherwise #threedaysgrace #ghost #volbeat #DED #heavymetal #hardrock #SpotifyWrapped
1. In the End - #linkinpark
2. Lose Yourself - #eminem
3. Never To Late - #threedaysgrace
4. Chop Suey - #systemofadown
5. Dear Agony - #breakingbenjamin
6. Make It Rain - #edsheeran
7. The Downfall of us all - #adaytoremember
#geeksocial #music #songs #gettoknowme #follow4follow
#7songstoknowme #linkinpark #eminem #threedaysgrace #systemofadown #breakingbenjamin #edsheeran #adaytoremember #geeksocial #music #songs #gettoknowme #follow4follow
Song recommendation, not just for rock lovers:
Explosions - Three Days Grace
„There's more stars than grains of sand
So much we don't understand
Spinning on a rock back to the nothing“
#music #rock #song #threedaysgrace
Calling into the Mastodon universe:
Any Three Days Grace fans out there? #ThreeDaysGrace #Rockmusic #Music #Rock
What’s your favorite song from Explosions?
#threedaysgrace #rockmusic #music #rock
so if anyone likes the following sort of bands: #metallica #threedaysgrace #saintasonia #breakingbenjamin #shinedown etc feel free to add!
#metallica #threedaysgrace #saintasonia #breakingbenjamin #shinedown
‚Here's to being human
All the pain and suffering
There's beauty in the bleeding
At least you feel something
Here's to being human
Taking it for granted
The highs and lows of living
To getting second chances‘
Three Days Grace - I Am Machine
#lyrics #music #threedaysgrace #rock
I 🖤 this album!!!
#ThreeDaysGrace #rock #music #hardrock
#threedaysgrace #rock #music #hardrock
„The higher I go, the harder I fall
So I don't look down, I don't look back at all
And when I wish it all would turn to black
I try to see the light and push the darkness back“
The Mountain - Three Days Grace
„There's nothing more beautiful than a distant star
Proof of our ignorance
Proof of how small we are“
Souvenirs - Three Days Grace
#lyrics #song #threedaysgrace #music
„There's nothing more beautiful than a distant star
Proof of our ignorance
Proof of how small we are“
#lyrics #song #threedaysgrace #music