Three ducks.
It’s #ThreeDuckThursday - and it almost looks like I’ve got my ducks in a row.
#BirdsSeenIn2023 #LowCarbonBirding #UrbanBirding #Mallards #Ducks
#threeduckthursday #birdsseenin2023 #lowcarbonbirding #urbanbirding #mallards #ducks
I blinked and now it is #ThreeDuckThursday again.
It is also the Glorious 25th, so do remember to wear lilac if you were there.
#Truth #Freedom #Justice #ReasonablyPricedLove #HardBoiledEgg
#TruthFreedomJusticeReasonablyPricedLoveAndAHardBoiledEgg #WearLilacIfYourWereThere
#LowCarbonBirding #BirdsSeenIn2022 #Ducks #UrbanBirding #WhooperSwan #Mallard #Pochard
#threeduckthursday #truth #freedom #justice #reasonablypricedlove #hardboiledegg #truthfreedomjusticereasonablypricedloveandahardboiledegg #wearlilacifyourwerethere #lowcarbonbirding #BirdsSeenIn2022 #ducks #urbanbirding #whooperswan #mallard #pochard
Happy Thursday... there are only three ducks, so #MayTheFourthBeWithYou this #ThreeDuckThursday
If you're in England it is local election day for most people, so remember to grab your photo ID and vote to #GTTO - rivers full of sewage are bad for ducks like these, so #DuckTheTories
#Ducks #LowCarbonBirding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #Mallards #DuckOfTheDay
#maythefourthbewithyou #threeduckthursday #GTTO #duckthetories #ducks #lowcarbonbirding #birdsseenin2023 #mallards #duckoftheday