1) Was able to make a start on commissions, in spite of stressful noise
2) I somehow avoided a meltdown
3) winded down with Chicago Fire in the evening
1) I painted
2) had ice cream
3) laughed a lot while being in various streams
1. Got most of infrastructure for new blog running without spending too much time on it.
2. No pages while oncall today.
3. Experiment with hair removal cream went OK (did not hurt myself, so that's a good start :-) ).
1) played Flamecraft
2) was awake early and had an early shower
3) was able to play Palia after a few days of slow internet and it was nice and relaxing
#threegoodthings on 09-09-2023
📆 Today is the Double Ninth Day!
- Actually not; the Double Ninth Day is typically (except in Japan) celebrated according to the lunar calendar. But it is always fun to see a same number repeating in
1. Wore my nail polish to work for the first time.
2. Twice in a day successfully skipped the first train to be in less crowded train.
3. Made dinner for family mostly out of leftovers when original lose plan turned out to not work well today.
1) Flamecraft arrived
2) Ordered a bigger table
3) My SO’s room is mostly finished now as well. It became super cozy.
#threegoodthings on 08-09-2023
🎮 Today's workout was with Nintendo's Ring Fit Adventure.
- I feel like I am on the right track because my muscles hurt.
🤹♀️ Met a friend and had an amusing time.
- I talked a lot and laughed a
1. Went into the real world mildly gender non-conforming and it went well.
2. Got new plates, so less hand washing due to needing plates before dishwasher has run.
3. Got a Mini Winnie (50cm IKEA Blåhaj).
1) fed more goats. Had one on my lap. And I also fed alpacas and rabbits
2) went to an all you can eat restaurant
3) chilled in the cabin for the afternoon with boardgames
Dags igen för #trebrasaker !
1. En kollega har tagit över min roll som fixare, och hjälper till med lite av varje samt sätter andra kollegor i arbete.
2. Min vartannatårs ögonkontroll visar ingen starr och ingen försämrad syn. Många pengar sparade när inga nya glasögon behövs!
3. Middag på lokal med dotran 🩷
#3goodthings #threegoodthings #trebrasaker
#threegoodthings on 07-09-2023
📺 Finished watching "Around the World in 80 Days" in which David Tennant was starred.
- It was a satisfying finale, and now I'm looking forward to seeing Fix and Passepartout in "Moby-Dick."
💊 Told the doctor about my reasonless anger that has occurred from time to time since childhood.
- It was weird but worth telling her because it was weird. That indicates something that I'm avoiding knowing.
☕ The summer came back a few days ago, and
1. Managed to sleep around what I should.
2. Did very little today, so I could relax brain
3. Kid the younger successfully prepared lunch for tomorrow before going to bed today.
#threegoodthings on 06-Sep-2023
🎉 Met a friend who is going to get married in a month.
- We used to work on Master's coursework together. I wish her lots of happiness.
🍜 Today's supper was udon.
- Boiled noodle soup with its rich soy sauce flavour and fresh garland chrysanthemum / crown daisy leaves. Can't miss it! 🤤
🎮 It is too cute to watch Houndour resisting sleepiness.
- This is about #PokemonSleep, a mobile #sleeptracking app.
#threegoodthings #pokemonsleep #sleeptracking
1) Fed and petted goats! Was surrounded by said goats and one of them nibbled on my hair
2) went to a restaurant and had an amazing steak
3) rented a family bike and saw saw a lot of the park
#threegoodthings on 05-Sep-2023
📄 Finished and sent another set of documents for a job application.
- Another task was done. That's always relieving. Temporarily.
☕ Had a pot of raw pu-erh tea.
- The tea time was busy and far from peace, but y'know, peace comes from within 🤪
🛒 Purchased a new laptop.
- And it costed nearly half of its regular price. I felt lucky ☺️
1) went swimming!
2) the surroundings are so pretty here
3) had fries for dinner
Länge sedan sist men nu är det dags! #trebrasaker
1. Handlade alla inkomna ansökningar om inackorderingsstöd, utan några bekymmer alls!
2. Snabbt och effektivt möte med budgetberedningen.
3. Snabbt, effektivt och väldigt trevligt styrelsemöte.
#admin #politikermåndag #threegoodthings #3goodthingstoday
Vilka är dina bra saker idag?
#3goodthingstoday #threegoodthings #politikermandag #admin #trebrasaker
1) had pancakes for lunch
2) I am almost better. Just some tummy ache around meal times and more tired than usual
3) it’s not going to rain during the vacation \0/
1. Wore nail polish most of the weekend, and I think I like it.
2. New visiting cat liked water I gave them.
3. Kid the younger was really happy about making hotdogs for lunch.