3 good things for 30 Jan 2023:
- baked some chicken thighs in an experimental rub and my whole house smells amazing
- I was able to focus on my work and get some great progress made, not getting discouraged by obstacles
- y'all, my cat's fur is SO soft. he's like a rabbit. I love him so much.
#threegoodthingstoday #3GoodThingsToday
NGL it’s been a pretty rough week but here are #3GoodThingsToday for 27 Jan 2023:
- snowdrops coming up at my mom’s place
- a routine vet visit with just the right dose of gabapentin
- plans to rewatch the first season of True Detective with an old friend
There is beauty everywhere.
#3GoodThingsToday #threegoodthingstoday #threegoodthings #3goodthings #today
1. Led a #DisasterRecovery exercise and almost everyone was super chill and kind to each other (the new person will be more chill next year)
2. 8 people from 3 different generations dancing to the same song
3. The BEST onion rings I’ve ever had in my whole life.
#3GoodThingsToday #disasterrecovery #3goodthings #threegoodthingstoday #threegoodthings
One of those days when it takes more effort to make the list. So I feel the need to share it. Three good things about today: 1. There was sunshine. 2. Electric oil filled heaters. 3. A good sized bedroom with furniture that I like.
@3goodthings #threegoodthings #ThreeGoodThingsToday (H/T @IanThistlethwaite)
#threegoodthingstoday #threegoodthings
1) The roads were salted and not slick by the time I left work. Icy roads scare the heck out of me.
2) Kitty cuddles from my normally non cuddly Kai.
3) New stickers and journal to add to my collection.
1) Hearing my Grandson babble to his Dad via FaceTime.
2) Finding new podcasts.
3) Getting a refreshing nap in.
#ThreeGoodThings For 01/07/2023:
- gigantic #monstera deliciosas on sale at the grocery store. I bought two because I’m like a moth to a flame.
- I got to rehome my sit/stand desk with a friend in need, rather than dealing with the Facebook Marketplace Thunderdome
- #HormoneReplacementTherapy + #Keto. I feel like Wonder Woman.
#threegoodthings #monstera #hormonereplacementtherapy #keto #3goodthings #threegoodthingstoday #today
#ThreeGoodThings for 01/05/2023:
- building new friendships and bolstering old ones! By accident!
- spontaneously singing 3-part harmony to Fleetwood Mac’s “Say You Love Me” with complete strangers
- coming up with a KILLER disaster recovery exercise for work. That dopamine hit of accomplishment.
#threegoodthings #3goodthings #threegoodthingstoday #today
#ThreeGoodThingsToday … thought I’d post three good things that I hope are going to happen today or I’m happy about (and maybe start a trend!)
1. I hope my step daughter has her baby and both are safe and well (she’s slightly overdue)
2. We manage to drive safely down, hopefully in daylight, to visit them and meet the new wee fella
3. I’m going into the office as part of a tentative return to see if it’s worth it.
#allhappyhere #threegoodthingstoday