#TheDays série 2023 vue sur #Netflix
Je l'ai dévorée en 2 fois.
Elle narre sans trop de violons l'accident de #Fukushima de 2011, qui est toujours en cours !
Pendant à la série #Tchernobyl
et au film #LeSyndromeChinois sur l'accident de #ThreeMileIsland
3 catastrophes qui nous rappellent que le risque zéro dans le nucléaire civil N'ÉXISTE PAS.
Faites votre choix citoyens, citoyennes.
#thedays #netflix #fukushima #tchernobyl #lesyndromechinois #threemileisland #centralenucleaire #atome #Flammanville
Skeptoid #92: Rethinking Nuclear Power by Brian Dunning #nuclear #chernobyl #threemileisland #globalwarming #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot There are many good reasons why environmentalists are turning again to nuclear power for the future.
#nuclear #chernobyl #threemileisland #globalwarming #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
20 of the biggest environmental disasters in history
By Stacker, Published
March 28, 2023
1. Honkeiko colliery mining disaster (China, 1942)
2. Great Smog of London (#UK, 1952)
3. #GrassyNarrows #mercury contamination (1960s)
4. #ThreeMileIsland accident (#Pennsylvnia, 1979)
5. #Bhopal disaster (#India, 1984)
6. #Chernobyl (#SovietUnion, 1986)
7. #Exxon Valdez oil spill (#Alaska, 1989)
8. #Phillips disaster (#Texas, 1989)
9. Ufa train disaster (#SovietUnion, 1989)
10. Cantara Loop derailment (#California, 1991)
11. Nambija mine disaster (#Ecuador, 1993)
12. Baia Mare #Cyanide spill (#Romania, 2000)
13. Martin County coal slurry spill (#Kentucky, 2000)
14. Toulouse chemical factory explosion (#France, 2001)
15. Ivory Coast toxic waste dump (#Africa, 2006)
16. Kingston coal ash spill (#Tennessee, 2008)
17. #DeepwaterHorizon oil spill (#Louisiana, #GulfOfMexico, 2010)
18. #Fukushima (#Japan, 2011)
19. #Guangxi #cadmium spill (#China, 2012)
20. #Mariana dam disaster (#Brazil, 2015)
#environment #EnvironmentalDisasters #Toxic #WaterIsLife #Pollution
#uk #GrassyNarrows #mercury #threemileisland #Pennsylvnia #bhopal #india #chernobyl #sovietunion #exxon #alaska #phillips #texas #california #ecuador #cyanide #romania #kentucky #france #africa #tennessee #deepwaterhorizon #louisiana #gulfofmexico #fukushima #japan #Guangxi #cadmium #china #Mariana #brazil #environment #environmentaldisasters #toxic #waterislife #pollution
The partial meltdown at #ThreeMileIsland occurred in the midst of the release of two major nuclear thrillers.
In a Feb. blog, we reflected on the movies' influence and role in shaping public perception of #nuclearenergy.
#threemileisland #nuclearenergy
Heute vor 44 Jahren begann der Unfall im #KKW #ThreeMileIsland nahe der Stadt #Harrisburg in Pennsylvania. Der Unfall führte zu vielen Neuerungen bei den Sicherheitsstandards für KKW in den USA: sowohl technisch als auch in der Ausbildung von Mitarbeiter*innen.
#Notfallschutz #KKW #threemileisland #harrisburg
#NuclearPower inescapably generates large quantities of #hazardous human-made waste, the worst of which will remain hazardous probably beyond Homo sapiens’ time on the planet.
Nuclear radiation less dangerous than emissions from a wood-burning stove?? Wood-burning stoves are pollutants, no question, but they could NEVER lead to a #Windscale, #ThreeMileIsland, #Chernobyl or #Fukushima. Nor will decommissioning them cost #billions and take #decades.
#NuclearPower #hazardous #Windscale #threemileisland #chernobyl #fukushima #billions #decades
I took this in 2012 from an ERJ-145 departing Harrisburg PA's airport #KMDT.
That's #ThreeMileIsland which was still in operation back then... Well, the one reactor at least. Eerie to fly so close to the site of a nuclear disaster.
#kmdt #threemileisland #avgeek #nuclearhistory #nuclearpower
I took this in 2012 from a plane departing Harrisburg PA's airport #KMDT onboard an ERJ-145.
That's #ThreeMileIsland which was still in operation back then... Well, the one reactor at least. Eerie to fly so close to the site of a nuclear disaster.
#kmdt #threemileisland #avgeek #nuclearhistory #nuclearpower
Anything that correlates to plutonium is caused by plutonium. Sit with this a moment. The element in question was the Frankenstein project of the 20th century, and it will have its revenge, decaying back into an inert Uranium in 240,000 years.
Earth has never had a problem like plutonium.
#nuclear #radiation #cancer #environment #environmentaljustice #climatechange #toxicwaste #contamination #plutonium #RockyFlats #LosAlamos #ThreeMileIsland #Chyrnoble #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #Fukushima
#nuclear #radiation #cancer #environment #environmentaljustice #climatechange #toxicwaste #contamination #plutonium #RockyFlats #losalamos #threemileisland #Chyrnoble #hiroshima #Nagasaki #fukushima
> Three Mile Island acted as a catalyst for more protests.. even making its way across the Pacific to #Japan, where survivors of #Hiroshima gathered in #Tokyo to oppose nuclear technologies... actions culminated in the single largest #AntiNuclear protest ever, which took place in #NewYorkCity in September 1979 when an estimated 200,000 people rallied.. calling for an immediate shut down of #ThreeMileIsland and an end to #NuclearPower .. globally.
#JoshuaFrank #NoNukes
#nonukes #JoshuaFrank #nuclearpower #threemileisland #newyorkcity #antinuclear #tokyo #hiroshima #japan
@aldatsa Beraien akatsei garrantzia kentzen adituak dira eta, zoritxarrez, helburua lortzen dute. Egizu inkesta bat eta ea nork aipatzen duen #ThreeMileIsland. Denek izango dute gogoan #Txernobyl, batzuek #Fukushima gogoratuko dute laguntza apur batekin, baina inork ez #ThreeMileIsland.
Beti jokatzen dute berdin. Niretzat harrigarriena zera da: langile horrek dokumentuak filtratu baino lehen akatu ez izana.
#threemileisland #Txernobyl #fukushima
AEBetan 1979an #ThreeMileIsland zentral nuklearrean izandako istripuari buruzko #Meltdown dokumentala interesgarria iruditu zait. Wikipediako artikulua irakurtzen hasi eta aurkitu dudana oso #HomerSimpson da. #Txernobyl moduko istripu bat izatetik oso gertu ibili ziren eta ez da barre egiteko kontua baina...
#threemileisland #meltdown #homersimpson #Txernobyl
#FukushimaDaiIchi (and #Chernobyl and #ThreeMileIsland and...) showed us that nuke plants tend to blow up eventually anyway. We should really work on shutting them down and figure out how to make all the already-been-produced #IntoEternity pollution as harmless as possible. It will be much harder to deal with the #ForeverDangerous #NukeWastes if they are scattered around by missiles in a #War. That's another big worry about the #RussianInvasion of the #Ukraine.
#ukraine #RussianInvasion #war #NukeWastes #ForeverDangerous #IntoEternity #threemileisland #chernobyl #FukushimaDaiIchi
The big danger in any nuclear reactor is that somehow #cooling of the fuel is disrupted, because without enough cooling, the fuel will heat up to the point where it can destroy itself. This is what happened, to a lesser extent, at #ThreeMileIsland [in #Pennsylvania in 1979] and, to a greater extent, at #Fukushima [in Japan] in 2011.
#cooling #threemileisland #pennsylvania #fukushima
#fukushima #cernobyl #chernobyl #nuclear #nucleare #nuclearenergy #climatechande #emissions #environment #environmentalism #ambiente #ambientalismo #energianucleare #threemileisland
#threemileisland #energianucleare #ambientalismo #ambiente #environmentalism #environment #emissions #climatechande #NuclearEnergy #nucleare #nuclear #Chernobyl #cernobyl #fukushima
RT @histgeoblog@twitter.com
18. Un zoom sur le texte du titre éponyme du #LP #LondonCalling des #TheClash qui évoque l’incident à la centrale nucléaire américaine de #ThreeMileisland « The Ice Age is coming the wheatis growing thin a nuclear error » dit le texte https://t.co/rHrgHh3ZpD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/histgeoblog/status/1239607352883634177
#threemileisland #theclash #londoncalling #lp
While the #media is scareing the crap out of you over the 40th anniversary of the #ThreeMileIsland "meltdown" , think of the 184,000,000 who have died worlwide due to carbon based air pollution, in the last 40 years https://t.co/qN0HqT2E9S
Feu mon père, ingénieur, disait «l'ingénieur c'est le type qui, après avoir tout calculé à la huitième décimale, multiplie son résultat par quatre par souci de sécurité».
Il ajoutait «Sans ce coefficient de sécurité, la catastrophe est certaine, que ce soit dans cinq minutes ou dans cinquante ans».
#tchernobyl #fukushima #threemileisland #flamanville