"Three Months" ist großartig... schwieriges, aber wichtiges Thema cute und mit viel Humor verpackt.
Schade, dass es den Film nur im Streaming und nicht auf Blu-ray gibt.
#threemonths #queerfilm #lgbt #hiv #paramountplus
Außerdem gibt es #ParamountPlus noch bis morgen für 3,99 €/Monat (statt 7,99 €) für 3 Monat(e) als #AmazonPrime Channel.
Eigentlich will ich ja nicht noch einen Streaming-Dienst, aber zu dem Preis nehme ich #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds und #ThreeMonths mit #TroyeSivan einfach mal mit.
Gibt es sonst noch was, was man auf Paramount+ gesehen haben sollte?
#paramountplus #AmazonPrime #startrek #StrangeNewWorlds #threemonths #troyesivan
#HamiltonFamily, sardine works, #Eastport. Father earns $1#5 to $#25 a week irregularly during the work season for #threemonths. Said that #20yearsago he made $#5 a day as a boy, cutting. The mother is a packer makes $#10 a week and upward, during the active season. Another boy, not in the photo, works also. In the front row are #GeorgeHamilton, #11yearsold, who cuts regularly--made a dollar in #threehours #theday before; #Byron, with a badly cut finger, earns #25 cents a day; little #Erna #8yearsold works at cartoning. The father is dissatisfied with the irregular income, but cannot see the connection between his early boyhood work and his present stagnation. He is putting his little ones through the same process. Location: #Eastport, #Maine.
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#hamiltonfamily #eastport #threemonths #20yearsago #georgehamilton #11yearsold #threehours #theday #byron #erna #8yearsold #maine #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Illuminazione pubblica spenta da tre mesi sulla rotatoria di Strada Lungofino FOTO
Un nostro lettore ci segnala una problematica importante a Marina di Città Sant'Angelo: "La luce ...
Street lighting out for #threemonths on the Lungofino Road roundabout PHOTOS
A reader of ours reports a major problem in Marina di Città Sant'Angelo: 'The light ...
24-5-2023 9:2 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/social/segnalazioni/illuminazione-pubblica-spenta-rotatoria-strada-lungofino-foto.html
#illuminazione #threemonths #ilpescara
#Streamingtipp #ThreeMonths Regiedebütant Jared Frieder hat die Angst eines jungen Schwulen vor HIV in eine charmante, leichtfüßige und lebensbejahende Teenager-Tragikomödie verwandelt