El estreno de #ThreePines con Alfred Molina en #axn se une a #AlaskaDaily con Hilary Swank en #Disney Ambas denuncian la pasividad de la justicia ante crímenes cometidos contra nativas en América. Sumo también #ReservationDogs que da protagonismo a chavales indígenas de una reserva
#yonomeaburroestrenos #threepines #axn #alaskadaily #disney #ReservationDogs
#TV and #streaming services have reduced my #entertainment expectations to the bare possible minimum. There's a mental threshold to lowering your expectations, though, just like there's a physical threshold to bending your back while limbo dancing.
That's why I'm suspicious about #ThreePines still being surprisingly watchable in the middle of the second episode.
Okay, it may be in need of some white #Aristocats solving crimes with the help of their #butler, but hey, it's still early days.
#tv #streaming #entertainment #threepines #aristocats #butler
Three Pines: Amazon setzt Mystery-Serie nach nur einer Staffel ab #ThreePines
Amazon Cancels "Three Pines" After One Season
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/03/amazon-cancels-three-pines.html #ThreePines #Amazon #AmazonPrime #AmazonPrimeVideo #PrimeVideo
#primevideo #amazonprimevideo #amazonprime #Amazon #threepines
#Amazon #PrimeVideo has cancelled drama series #ThreePines after a single season. Sources say the streamer and studio #SonyPicturesTV were eager to renew but the parties could not come to agreeable financial terms. #AlfredMolina and #ElleMáijáTailfeathers starred.
#amazon #primevideo #threepines #sonypicturestv #alfredmolina #ellemaijatailfeathers
Three Pines - Cancelled by Amazon Prime
#ThreePines #TV #Television #Cancellation #Cancelled #Amazon
#threepines #tv #television #cancellation #cancelled #amazon
Three Pines - Cancelled by Amazon Prime
#ThreePines #TV #Television #Cancellation #Cancelled #Amazon
#threepines #tv #television #cancellation #cancelled #amazon
Thoroughly enjoying Three Pines, on Amazon Prime. 🌲🌲🌲
#tvshow #ThreePinesOnPrime #ThreePines
#threepines #threepinesonprime #tvshow
I was really hoping the TV adaptation of Louise Penny's Three Pines series would be bilingual (or maybe even multilingual, if First Nations languages were featured), with subtitles for different audiences. Frustratingly, the English version does have bits of French dialog - subtitled - but just bits. Like Gabri and Olivier will exchange words in French, or Gamache and Jean-Guy will go into French for line or two. If the producers understand people can read 1/2 >
So I binge watched all the episodes of #ThreePines and I have to say, I’m very impressed. The casting was brilliant! Character portrayal and location were top notch. My only complaint is Gamache didn’t have enough Tweed #books #adaptations
#threepines #books #adaptations
Finally finished #ThreePines season 1.
I had gotten distracted and left the season cause I thought there was just too much for them to wrap up in a single season and then they went and surprised me and not only wrapped up, but left you hanging on for more.
(context: #ThreePines, Season 1, Episode 3)
How did humans become such #devils? Even worse, how can some of our most #monstrous deeds come potentially from places of seeming good will? And how can we stop it as it is happening now? And how can we prevent it in the future? Are we damned to these #horrors forever?
#threepines #devils #monstrous #horrors
Someone on here recommended the Amazon Prime series #ThreePines
Whoever it was, thank you!!
A lovely, quirky series, dealing with real issues too. Great characters (a woman with a duck as a pet!) and Alfred Molina is (as always) excellent.
#tv #montreal #canadiantv #threepines
There is something different about Canadian series, I enjoy them most of the times… my new fav is #ThreePines 🤌 and I will also admit, Amazon Prime Video does a good job in terms of quality…
How I Met Your Father: ProSieben zeigt HIMYM-Ableger im Februar, sichert sich weitere Formate durch neuen Deal #HIMYF #ThreePines
#NowWatching Not read any of the books but am really enjoying Three Pines. Surprised not to have heard much about it in the UK, especially with Alfred Molina stealing the show.
Watched Three Pines. I really hope it gets another season. Endless material from Louise Penny! Flawlessly cast. #ThreePines #LouisePenny #TV https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/three_pines