More food preservation, but this time itβs from #gardening! We did #threesisters method this year and it was great. (Except for the squash. That is beyond low yield so far.) #beans #corn
#gardening #threesisters #beans #corn
In a practical society u-pick #garden plots should be on every block plus a #seed saver section to ensure future #food security.
Love #Ithica NY! #gardening #threesisters planting practice, #water saving and joy πβ€οΈ
#garden #seed #food #ithica #gardening #threesisters #water
"I Won't Dance" is a song with music by #JeromeKern that has become a #jazzStandard. The song has two different sets of lyrics: the first written by #OscarHammersteinII and #OttoHarbach in 1934, and second written by #DorothyFields (though #JimmyMcHugh was also credited) in 1935. Kern, Hammerstein and Harbach originally wrote "I Won't Dance" for the 1934 London musical #ThreeSisters. However, Three Sisters flopped and was quickly forgotten.
#jeromekern #jazzstandard #oscarhammersteinii #ottoharbach #dorothyfields #jimmymchugh #threesisters
Seeking #advice and #information
Is # Katoomba in #BlueMountains suitable for a couple nights' of #tourism without a car and not being able to walk long distances?
I'm thinking taking the #train into town, and it looks (reasonably) walkable on a map, but do you need a car to be able to do anything at all?
Looks like #ThreeSisters lookout isn't accessible without a car at least.
#advice #information #bluemountains #tourism #train #threesisters
A very enjoyable game of Three Sisters. A surprisingly good decision space. #ThreeSisters #BoardGames
#Allegheny #AndyWarhol #Bridge #Catastrophe #Civil #Collapse #Construction #Disaster #Engineering #EngineeringFailure #News #Ohio #OhioRiver #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #RachelCarson #RobertoClemente #SilverBridge #StructuralCollapse #ThreeSisters #Transit #Transportation #Travel #Urban
The Silver Bridge disaster
Pittsburgh, PA has three Eyebar bridges spanning the Allegheny River.
Andy Warhol bridge Google Maps street view @ 17th Street:
#allegheny #andywarhol #bridge #catastrophe #civil #collapse #construction #disaster #engineering #engineeringfailure #news #ohio #ohioriver #Pennsylvania #pittsburgh #rachelcarson #robertoclemente #silverbridge #structuralcollapse #threesisters #transit #transportation #travel #urban
The deadliest bridge disaster in US history was caused by a tiny crack just three millimeters deep -- In 1967, 64 people went into the frigid Ohio River by Matt Reimann Jul 31, 2017
#Allegheny #AndyWarhol #Bridge #Catastrophe #Civil #Collapse #Construction #Disaster #Engineering #EngineeringFailure #News #Ohio #OhioRiver #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #RachelCarson #RobertoClemente #SilverBridge #StructuralCollapse #ThreeSisters #Transit #Transportation #Travel #Urban
#allegheny #andywarhol #bridge #catastrophe #civil #collapse #construction #disaster #engineering #engineeringfailure #news #ohio #ohioriver #Pennsylvania #pittsburgh #rachelcarson #robertoclemente #silverbridge #structuralcollapse #threesisters #transit #transportation #travel #urban
The worn metal pocketwatch arrived in the mail on their 21st birthday. Their aunts, the two remaining sisters, had colluded to nab the worn timepiece from the posessions put in evidence by the cops after the murder-suicide. Originally an orphans gift, It was sent years later as part of a strange design to break a curse of an absurd, jealous wound. #LoveGoneBad #Spells #DoingTime #ThreeSisters #KeepingTime #CharcoalDrawing
#lovegonebad #spells #doingtime #threesisters #keepingtime #charcoaldrawing
New art! This is a painting of a photograph of the 3 Sisters. It is one of my favourite places on earth. The peaks are named Faith, Hope, and Charity, and rise majestically above the town of Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
#mountainscenes #mountainview
#wallartforsale #BuyIntoArt #CanvasPrints #natureart #homebuyers #homedecor #wallartprint #wallart #framedprints #acrylicprints #posterart #giftideas2023 #wallhomedecor #canmorealberta #threesisters #cloudydayinthemountains #canmorepainting
#mountainscenes #mountainview #wallartforsale #BuyIntoArt #canvasprints #natureart #homebuyers #homedecor #wallartprint #wallart #framedprints #acrylicprints #posterart #giftideas2023 #wallhomedecor #canmorealberta #threesisters #cloudydayinthemountains #canmorepainting
" ... collected about 11,000 padlocks ... "
#Allegheny #AndyWarhol #Bridge #Catastrophe #Civil #Collapse #Construction #Disaster #Engineering #EngineeringFailure #News #Ohio #OhioRiver #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #RachelCarson #RobertoClemente #SilverBridge #StructuralCollapse #ThreeSisters #Transit #Transportation #Travel #Urban
#allegheny #andywarhol #bridge #catastrophe #civil #collapse #construction #disaster #engineering #engineeringfailure #news #ohio #ohioriver #pennsylvania #pittsburgh #rachelcarson #robertoclemente #silverbridge #structuralcollapse #threesisters #transit #transportation #travel #urban
Andy Warhol bridge Google Maps street view @ 17th Street:
#Allegheny #AndyWarhol #Bridge #Catastrophe #Civil #Collapse #Construction #Disaster #Engineering #EngineeringFailure #News #Ohio #OhioRiver #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #RachelCarson #RobertoClemente #SilverBridge #StructuralCollapse #ThreeSisters #Transit #Transportation #Travel #Urban
#allegheny #andywarhol #bridge #catastrophe #civil #collapse #construction #disaster #engineering #engineeringfailure #news #ohio #ohioriver #pennsylvania #pittsburgh #rachelcarson #robertoclemente #silverbridge #structuralcollapse #threesisters #transit #transportation #travel #urban
The deadliest bridge disaster in US history was caused by a tiny crack just three millimeters deep -- In 1967, 64 people went into the frigid Ohio River by Matt Reimann Jul 31, 2017
#Allegheny #AndyWarhol #Bridge #Catastrophe #Civil #Collapse #Construction #Disaster #Engineering #EngineeringFailure #News #Ohio #OhioRiver #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #RachelCarson #RobertoClemente #SilverBridge #StructuralCollapse #ThreeSisters #Transit #Transportation #Travel #Urban
#allegheny #andywarhol #bridge #catastrophe #civil #collapse #construction #disaster #engineering #engineeringfailure #news #ohio #ohioriver #pennsylvania #pittsburgh #rachelcarson #robertoclemente #silverbridge #structuralcollapse #threesisters #transit #transportation #travel #urban
No wonder #WangBing is regarded as the best documentarian in the world and perhaps the most important Chinese director working today. #ThreeSisters hits all the right notes on what I love about observational #documentary and Wang's is as real & direct as it gets. It shows three sisters living in a remote highland in Yunan Province. They live like orphans. Their mother long gone. Father works in another city & seldom visits them. They mooch off of their aunt but also work, especially the oldest, Yin- tending various farm herds, vegetable gardens, building fire, cooking, dish washing & laundry. She also takes care of rambunctious younger siblings all by herself. Their abject poverty is not the main draw here. Rather, it's their innocence and resilience. So much beauty! There is beauty in the girl's faces, in hearth, in the mountains, in Yin's loneliness, in steam rising from the rice bowl, in tattered rain boots, in Yin's cursing, in every frame of Three Sisters. #chinesecinema
#wangbing #threesisters #documentary #chinesecinema
Over 100 manatees just chilling out at the Three Sisters reserve in Crystal River, Florida #manatees #florida #crystalriver #threesisters
#manatees #florida #crystalriver #threesisters
Tomorrow is the time of the week I set aside a few hours to screen capture New York Times pictures from 1923. January 22,1923 to January 28, 1923 is next. I'll see if I can get a good screen capture of Irving Berlin. #irvingberlin I also plan on getting a drawing of Olga Knipper (since "Three Sisters" was on Broadway for about six months in 1923). #olgaknipper #threesisters Pics will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons either tomorrow or Wednesday.
#threesisters #olgaknipper #irvingberlin
One thing I left out of my #Introduction the other day is that I love #BoardGames! My wife has three separate board game groups to meet her insatiable appetite for gaming, but I prob only play one per week.
Here are my faves:
I also love #CardGames, especially #MayI and #HandAndFootCanasta
#introduction #boardgames #quacksofquedlinburg #patchwork #threesisters #Citadels #Splendor #azul #cascadia #Everdell #starrealms #carcassonne #cardgames #mayi #handandfootcanasta
My interpretation of the Three Sisters. Predominantly a Seneca Nation and east coast concept and traditional planting methodology, the Three Sisters are squash, corn and climbing beans. The symbolise both an intercropping technique and community relational constructs.
You can read more about the Three Sisters here:
The idea for this was gifted to me JP Prettybull, a Ponca and Yankton Sioux anthropology PhD student. I made it my own by using a cucurbita gourd - in honour of my favourite bead stitch and my late mentor who taught it to me - as well as a stylised heirloom corn and the climbing beans my mom had in her garden when I was I a kid.
#beadwork #ThreeSisters #beading #NezPerce #NezPerceBeadwork #Gourds #Corn #ClimbingBeans
#beadwork #threesisters #beading #nezperce #nezpercebeadwork #gourds #corn #climbingbeans
I'm also going to make a go at a #ThreeSisters garden this year with flint corn, black beans, and "lady godiva" pumpkins, which apparently grow hull-less seeds.