senza precedenti per la finale regionale dei campionati Studenteschi di tennistavolo

. L’ultima finale regionale era stata giocata 3 anni fa a e fu appannaggio quasi interamente di scolastici vastesi che si aggiudicarono 3 finali su 4 con il che vinse la finale allievi maschile, il che vinse la finale allievi femminile ed il che si aggiudicò invece
L'articolo senza precedenti per la finale regionale dei campionati Studenteschi di tennistavolo sembra essere il primo su .

Unprecedented success for the regional final of the Student Volleyball Championships

. The last regional final was played in and was almost entirely the prerogative of schools, which won out of the finals, with winning the men's students' final, winning the women's students' final and winning the women's students' final.
The article Unprecedented success for the regional final of the Student Volleyball Championships appeared on .

5-5-2023 12:9

#successo #vasto #montesilvano #istituti #mattei #mattioli #comprensivo1 #abruzzolive #threeyearsago #three #four #first

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin D. Grüssing · @KevDGrussing
98 followers · 7192 posts · Server

He still is.
Heck, if he calls 3 more Super Bowls he’ll have call the most Super Bowls on the radio overtaking the 15 called by Joe Buck’s daddy Jack Buck in the 70s, 80s and 90s.


Forget Tom Brady.

On this day, Kevin Harlan was the TRUE GOAT of the league.



Last updated 2 years ago

Fleetwud · @fleetwud
1 followers · 7 posts · Server

. Things got better.

"Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in employment with Redacted.

Your application has been reviewed and although your qualifications/skills are impressive, they do not match our needs for this role.

We will keep your application on file for 6 months for consideration of future openings. If your qualifications/skills are a match, you will be notified.

Thank you for your interest, and we wish you good luck in your job search."

Do you?


Last updated 2 years ago