Today's op-shop score, "The Devil Within" by Marc Cramer. I used to borrow books like this from the library by the truckload. I think I may have read this one when I was ten or so. Probably explains a lot.
#ThriftStoreFind #OpShopFinds #SecondHandBooks #Occult #OccultBook
#thriftstorefind #opshopfinds #secondhandbooks #occult #occultbook
Remember, kids, don't forget to plug in your Wii Fit balance board using a Sony DC car adapter, micro USB cable, and an 1/8" AV cable. #ThriftStoreFind
The heck? Why?
#thriftstorefind #thrifting #thriftstore
Excited to try to get my latest #ThriftStoreFind working with modern hardware. I spent so many hours with SimTower on a Mac and SimCity on SNES.
(This one appears to be Windows-only, but sometimes that's easier to get working.)
#ShopGoodwill find #2 arrived today. An absolutely amazing lot of 80s Rock/Hair Metal
#80s #80sRock #HairMetal #Rock #cassette #cassettes #Thrifting #ThriftStoreFind #ThriftStoreFinds
#shopgoodwill #80s #80srock #hairmetal #rock #cassette #cassettes #thrifting #thriftstorefind #thriftstorefinds
#ShopGoodwill find arrived yesterday!
Should have one more coming today.
#cassettes #thrifting #ThriftStoreFind #thriftstorefinds #cassette
#shopgoodwill #cassettes #thrifting #thriftstorefind #thriftstorefinds #cassette
#nowplaying: the last LP manufactured by Sony in their pressing plant in Haarlem, Netherlands before they sold it to Record Industry - "Laatste Sony Music Elpee" #thriftstorefind