Holy Spider – prurient Iranian serial killer drama
#WorldCinemaMEWS #ThrillersMEWS #CultureMEWS #FilmMEWS #DramaFilmsMEWS
Based on the real-life case of a man who murdered 16 women, Ali Abbasi’s tense film feels at once timely and dehumanisingThe third feature from Copenhagen-based Iranian director Ali Abbasi shares with his breakthrough film, the troll-thriller Border,...
#worldcinemamews #thrillersmews #culturemews #filmmews #dramafilmsmews
Fair Play review – knockout thriller pits a couple against each other
#Sundance2023MEWS #FilmMEWS #ThrillersMEWS #CultureMEWS #SundanceFilmFestivalMEWS #FestivalsMEWS
Sundance film festival: Phoebe Dynevor and Alden Ehrenreich give top-tier performances in a juicy crowd-pleaser about a couple competing at the same workplaceIn the first scene of the punchy Sundance...
#sundance2023mews #filmmews #thrillersmews #culturemews #sundancefilmfestivalmews #festivalsmews