#ShockDoctrine's SOP in crises. Vulture conservatives prove David Frum was right: when they realize they can't get elected democratically, they won't reject conservatism; they'll reject democracy. Crises provide cover for all kinds of things.
Hey, speaking of which, remember that time #ThugFord made it virtually impossible to sue the Ontario gov't for dereliction of duty etc? No? That's because he buried it in a ginormous Omnibus Bill & rammed it thru the Legislature:
@crowgirl Look up #ShockDoctrine when you get a chance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shock_Doctrine
#ThugFord and his rw neolib privatization agenda need healthcare & education systems broken so they can then point to the underfunded wreckage as "proof publicly owned systems don't work, so we simply *must privatize!!".
The exploitation of pandemic fallout is deliberate. They NEED overflowing hospitals & distraught parents screaming 4 action. That action won't be to put stolen $4B back into HC system & re-fund it.
RT @jennyleeshee@twitter.com
Updated thanks to @stella88695964@twitter.com. I forgot that @fordnation@twitter.com's team assaulted a reporter, @ConsumerSOS@twitter.com.
Arresting lawyers.
Assaulting nurses.
Assaulting reporters.
Tell me why you're still voting for this person.
#VoteFordOut https://twitter.com/jennyleeshee/status/1529966166680150018
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jennyleeshee/status/1529980748589064192
RT @jennyleeshee@twitter.com
Updated thanks to @stella88695964@twitter.com. I forgot that @fordnation@twitter.com's team assaulted a reporter, @ConsumerSOS@twitter.com.
Arresting lawyers.
Assaulting nurses.
Assaulting reporters.
Tell me why you're still voting for this person.
#VoteFordOut https://twitter.com/jennyleeshee/status/1529966166680150018
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jennyleeshee/status/1529980748589064192
RT @robochodo@twitter.com
Caryma S’ad maybe just flipped the election.
#onpoli #OntarioVotes #thugFord https://twitter.com/carymarules/status/1529953505842192389
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robochodo/status/1529971747885309975
#onpoli #ontariovotes #thugford