German singer has home raided by police looking for fake vaxx pass
Fascism. It's not just for Canada anymore.
Please read the important story details at:
#Covidmeasures #Germany #LeftistFascism #Massiveconspiracy #Policebrutality #thuggeryandintimidation #vaccines
#vaccines #thuggeryandintimidation #Policebrutality #Massiveconspiracy #LeftistFascism #Germany #Covidmeasures
Restoring the clips of the UN planes in North Bay
During, and right before the fascist, jack-booted assault on peaceful protestors on and around Parliament Hill in February, there were a couple of clips that seemed to indicate that the sudden swell of unmarked militarized 'police' that suddenly appeared in Downtown Ottawa, might be from two UN a
#thuggeryandintimidation #Truckerprotest #UnitedNations
#UnitedNations #Truckerprotest #thuggeryandintimidation
LRAD probably being used on protestors. Maybe in Ottawa, confirmed in Australia?
Just when you thought you found the wall between reality and whakadoddlery you discover you haven't.
#Australia #Criminalizingoppositiontored-greenpolicies #Policebrutality #thuggeryandintimidation
#thuggeryandintimidation #Policebrutality #Criminalizingoppositiontored #Australia
On February 13, 2022, far leftist extremists staged a nasty kind of demonstration where they held captive a number of trucks on Riverside Drive and wouldn't let them leave unless they removed all Canadian flags. They also seemed to walk them out of the kidnap area they created while heaping abuse on them as you can see from the video below. RAIR Foundation writes up some of the aspects of the
#Antifa #thuggeryandintimidation #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #thuggeryandintimidation #Antifa