39. Thunderbolts vol. II #1. Termina, por fin, la trama principal que lleva arrastrando la serie desde mucho antes de irse Kurt Busiek. Nicieza aprueba en el intento, pero no con nota: demasiada conspiración para un clímax tan anticlimático. No obstante, está bien resuelto.
#marvel #resenas #comics #thunderbolts #nicieza #bagley
37. Vengadores/Thunderbolts: Los protocolos de Nefaria. Este crossover es puro frenesí superheroico sin frenos, me lo he pasado pipa. Su único punto "negativo" es que es poco accesible, ya que en estas páginas se tratan muchas subtramas de números anteriores de ambas colecciones.
#Marvel #Reseñas #Comics #Thunderbolts #Busiek #Nicieza #GeorgePerez #Bagley
#marvel #resenas #comics #thunderbolts #busiek #nicieza #georgeperez #bagley
35. Thunderbolts vol. 1 #34 a #40. Nicieza empieza continuista, pero con más intensidad y tensión que Busiek, aclarando cabos sueltos y abriendo otros nuevos, manteniendo el interés. Asombroso el número de Azote VS Zemo, que es de los mejores de la colección, me atrevo a decir.
#marvel #resenas #comics #thunderbolts #nicieza #bagley
El director Jake Schreier no ve #Thunderbolts como una secuela de Black Widow en absoluto y ha revelado algunos datos interesantes. https://www.cinemascomics.com/thunderbolts-no-sera-una-secuela-de-black-widow/
#Marvel fans are expecting character deaths in #Thunderbolts – and they're already predicting which ones
#MCU @MarvelNews @MarvelStudios
El director de #Thunderbolts revela detalles interesantes sobre esta nueva entrega del Universo Cinematográfico de #Marvel #UCM https://www.cinemascomics.com/thunderbolts-pelicula-diferente-marvel/
The Winter Soldier leads an all new Thunderbolts this December #comics #comicbooks #thunderbolts #sdcc #sdcc2023 #sdcc23
#comics #comicbooks #thunderbolts #SDCC #sdcc2023 #sdcc23
Se informa que la película #Thunderbolts ha comenzado su rodaje, llegaría a los cines en el 2024.
#Disney has made a major overhaul in its release schedule, including several #MarvelStudios films, as follows:
#CaptainAmerica: Brave New World moves from May 3, 2024 to August 26, 2024
#Thunderbolts - from July 26, 2024 to December 20, 2024
#Avengers: Kang Dynasty - May 2, 2025 to May 1, 2026
Avengers: #SecretWars moves a year to May 7, 2027
#Deadpool 3 - May 3, 2024
#Blade - February 14, 2025
#FantasticFour - May 2, 2025
#Avatar 3-5 delayed a year each with 5 now in 2031
#disney #marvelstudios #captainamerica #thunderbolts #avengers #secretwars #deadpool #blade #fantasticfour #avatar
#Captain America4 & #Thunderbolts Risk Betraying #SteveRogers' Legacy https://is.gd/VZp6VP
#captain #thunderbolts #steverogers
[FR] Dark Avengers : Prélude https://thepowerzone.wordpress.com/2023/06/05/dark-avengers-prelude/ #MarvelComics, #MikeDeodato, #PaniniComics, #Thunderbolts, #WarrenEllis
(première fois que je partage directement sur Mastodon depuis un blog !)
#marvelcomics #mikedeodato #paninicomics #thunderbolts #warrenellis
OFICIAL: En entrevista con #THR, #StevenYeun (#TheWalkingDead) CONFIRMÓ que interpretará a #Sentry dentro del #UCM. El poderoso personaje hará su debut cinematográfico en #Thunderbolts de #MarvelStudios 💥
#thr #stevenyeun #thewalkingdead #sentry #ucm #thunderbolts #marvelstudios
La película de #Thunderbolts de #MarvelStudios va a tardar más de lo esperado y todo debido a la huelga de escritores en #Hollywood :3. https://tinyurl.com/4fzhmpkz
#thunderbolts #marvelstudios #hollywood
#Marvel puts #Thunderbolts production on hold indefinitely
Florence Pugh on #BlackWidow, #Hawkeye, & #Thunderbolts: "So many people in the indie film world were really pissed off at me. They were like, ‘Great, now she’s gone forever.’ No, I’m working as hard as I used to work. I’ve always done back-to-back movies" https://ti.me/3otzC76 #press
#blackwidow #hawkeye #thunderbolts #press
#MarvelStudios' reboot of #Blade, with #MahershalaAli, is the first major motion picture to be impacted by the writers strike with pre-production shutting down. The project was to star filming next month in Atlanta. #Deadpool3 and #Thunderbolts are still on track to begin production in a few weeks. #Blade joins the ranks of several TV productions from #SNL to #Hacks that have had to shut down in the wake of the strike.
#marvelstudios #blade #mahershalaali #deadpool3 #thunderbolts #snl #hacks
#Marvel’s ‘#Thunderbolts’ Undergoing Rewrite, Original Script Reportedly Put Too Much Focus On Returning ‘Black Widow’ Characters Instead Of Entire Team
Steven Yeun Has a ‘Significant’ Role in Marvel’s Thunderbolts, Of Course #2023_03_30 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #ayo_edebiri #marvel #mcu #movies #casting #thunderbolts #the_bear
#2023_03_30 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #ayo_edebiri #marvel #mcu #movies #casting #thunderbolts #the_bear
New World Order and #Thunderbolts rumored to be ‘significantly darker’ than other recent #MCU #movies
#Marvel @Marvel
#thunderbolts #mcu #movies #marvel