OK, OK, one more, for now anyway...... kinda disappointed that #Disney have done #TheHauntedMansion 'cos, yeah, it has to be young 'un friendly.
Would be awesome to get an incredibly evil, dark and sinister #Movie that tied in #DisneylandParis' #ThePhantomManor and #BigThunderRailroad instead. When I say dark, I mean shit scarily dark here.
That aside I *am* looking forwards to 'The Haunted Mansion' movie.
#RavenswoodManor #ThunderMesa #BigThunderMiningCompany #HenryRavenswood #MelanieRavenswood #MadameLeota #RapOnATableItsTimeToRespond #Horror #GhostStory #Movies
#disney #thehauntedmansion #movie #disneylandparis #thephantommanor #bigthunderrailroad #ravenswoodmanor #thundermesa #bigthunderminingcompany #henryravenswood #melanieravenswood #madameleota #raponatableitstimetorespond #horror #ghoststory #Movies
Emerging from Rainbow Caverns on the Thunder Mesa model Railroad. #modeltrains #on30scale #thundermesa
#modeltrains #on30scale #thundermesa