Perpetuating the travesty and NYT is complicit. #ClarenceThomas filed an "updated" financial disclosure report that does nothing but continue the lies he has told for 30+years about the #graft he continues to receive. For all of us who have had to file Real Financial Disclosure Reports annually, subject to multiple layers of review, his #lies are beyond the pale. #thurgoodMarshall #SCOTUS #corruption #ethics #integrity #truth #justice #authoritarianism
#clarencethomas #graft #lies #thurgoodmarshall #SCOTUS #Corruption #ethics #integrity #truth #justice #authoritarianism
this day in 1908, heroic Civil Rights activist, attorney, US Supreme Court Justice & namesake of my alma mater college at UCSD, Thurgood Marshall was born.
character, integrity & jurisprudence, vacant in the conservatives Justices we have today!
may hearts open, may sanity arise, & may more Justices like Thurgood Marshall rise up & be seated on the Bench.
#July2nd #ThurgoodMarshall #SCOTUS #integrity #character #jurisprudence #virtue #history
#july2nd #thurgoodmarshall #scotus #integrity #character #Jurisprudence #virtue #history
Happy Birthday to Thurgood Marshall, born in Baltimore, Maryland, #OnThisDay in 1908.
As Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Marshall successfully argued many civil rights cases in the Supreme Court, including Brown v. Board of Education. In 1965, LBJ appointed him as US Solicitor General, and in 1967, LBJ appointed him Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, where he served for 24 years.
#CivilRights #ThurgoodMarshall #BlackHistory #USHIstory #History #OTD #NAACP #histodons
#onthisday #civilrights #thurgoodmarshall #blackhistory #ushistory #history #otd #naacp #histodons
@GottaLaff @Dahlialith Please remember who placed #ClarenceThomas on #SCOTUS - #GeorgeBush - after the retirement of #ThurgoodMarshall. The #LongGame begun by #Reagan, actively implemented by #GHWBush, #GeorgeWBush and #Trump #orchestrated by the #FederalistSociety brought us to this #crescendo - is American now an #oligarchy?
#clarencethomas #SCOTUS #georgebush #thurgoodmarshall #longgame #reagan #ghwbush #georgewbush #trump #orchestrated #federalistsociety #crescendo #oligarchy
#Constitution #Freedom #ThurgoodMarshall
"Today's Constitution is a realistic document of freedom only because of several corrective amendments."
Thurgood Marshall
#constitution #freedom #thurgoodmarshall
Just read the @Teri_Kanefield #longRead post about #ThurgoodMarshall.
Highly recommend. Covers the early career of Marshall from attending law school to the types of cases where, bit-by-bit, whittling away at #SeparateButEqual worked toward, eventually, #BrownVBoardOfEducation.
#longread #thurgoodmarshall #separatebutequal #brownvboardofeducation
Florida Law College To Be Renamed After Benjamin L. Crump | #stthomasuniversity #thurgoodmarshall #davidaarmstrong #princetonreview #benjaminlcrump #jurisprudence #benjamincrump #lawbycountry #law2ccrime #education #jurists #lawyers #crump #ben #jd
#stthomasuniversity #thurgoodmarshall #davidaarmstrong #princetonreview #benjaminlcrump #jurisprudence #benjamincrump #lawbycountry #law2ccrime #education #jurists #lawyers #crump #Ben #jd
#FreedomWall in #Buffalo: ❤️ ⬇️
#RosaParks #StokelyCarmichael #MamaCharleneCaverMiller #WilliamWellsBrown #KingPeterson #AngelaDavis #BillGaiter #MalcolmX #AliciaGarza #GeorgeKArthur
#AlNisaBanks #WEBDuBois #EvaDoyle #HueyPNewton #ShirleyChisholm #FrankMerriweather #MartinLutherKing #MaryBTalbert #ReverendJEdwardNash #DrLydiaTWright #FrederickDouglass #DrMonroeFordham #ThurgoodMarshall #FannieLouHamer #ArthurOEve #MinnieGillette #MarcusGarvey #HarrietTubman
#freedomwall #buffalo #rosaparks #stokelycarmichael #mamacharlenecavermiller #williamwellsbrown #kingpeterson #angeladavis #billgaiter #malcolmx #aliciagarza #georgekarthur #alnisabanks #WEBDuBois #evadoyle #hueypnewton #shirleychisholm #frankmerriweather #MartinLutherKing #marybtalbert #reverendjedwardnash #drlydiatwright #FrederickDouglass #drmonroefordham #thurgoodmarshall #fannielouhamer #arthuroeve #minniegillette #marcusgarvey #harriettubman #BlackMasto
The CJ’a tribute is oddly timed.And the cloaking of this message in the history of the Little Rock school case and the legacy of #ThurgoodMarshall whose work was centrally devoted to a vision of equality,justice & opportunity fundamentally at odds w/the project of Roberts’Court..
Wish I’d just poured another glass of bubbly. But I made the mistake of reading the first line of Chief Justice Roberts’ Year-End Report. Lots of Little Rock and Brown. And even a photo of #ThurgoodMarshall. So you know things are dire. More tomorrow…
Excellent! Awaiting Biden's signature right now:
S.5229 - A bill to direct the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library to remove the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the Capitol and to obtain a bust of Thurgood Marshall for installation in the Capitol or on the Capitol Grounds, and for other purposes.
#DredScott #DredScottDecision #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #racism #racist #ThurgoodMarshall #RogerBrookeTaney
#dredscott #DredScottDecision #scotus #supremecourt #racism #racist #thurgoodmarshall #rogerbrooketaney
Excellent! Awaiting Biden's signature right now:
S.5229 - A bill to direct the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library to remove the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the Capitol and to obtain a bust of Thurgood Marshall for installation in the Capitol or on the Capitol Grounds, and for other purposes.
#DredScott #DredScottDecision #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #racism #racist #ThurgoodMarshall #RogerBrookeTaney
#dredscott #DredScottDecision #scotus #supremecourt #racism #racist #thurgoodmarshall #rogerbrooketaney
Congress Says Yes To Removing Statue Of Supreme Court Justice Who Was Behind Dred Scott Decision | #cabinetoftheunitedstates #taneycounty2cmissouri #unitedstatescapitol #dredscottvsandford #rogerbrooketaney #thurgoodmarshall #cheryljohnson #socialissues #legislatures #nancypelosi #rogerbtaney #taneycourt #robertelee #stenyhoyer #government #rogertaney #davidtrone #dredscott #politics #biden
#cabinetoftheunitedstates #taneycounty2cmissouri #unitedstatescapitol #dredscottvsandford #rogerbrooketaney #thurgoodmarshall #cheryljohnson #socialissues #legislatures #nancypelosi #rogerbtaney #taneycourt #robertelee #stenyhoyer #government #rogertaney #davidtrone #dredscott #Politics #Biden
House voted 285-120 to remove #confederate statues from the US Capitol and replace Chief Justice Roger B. Taney (Dred Scott decision author), with Justice #ThurgoodMarshall, 1st African American Supreme Court Justice. #BlackMastodon
#confederate #thurgoodmarshall #blackmastodon
Do you see a pattern here?!
Whose story is being taught to our young learners? & deleted #ThurgoodMarshall, #JackieRobinson, and #RosaParks from the K-5 standards! #VAhistory #VirginiaTruth
#thurgoodmarshall #jackierobinson #rosaparks #vahistory #virginiatruth
#Asian #AAPI #NAACP #SCOTUS #ThurgoodMarshall
Who knew that Cecilia Suyat Marshall, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who died 2 wks ago, at age 94, was Filipino-American born in Hawaii, who worked for many years, 1st as a stenographer and later as a member of board, for the NAACP?
This is a story that I plan to investigate further.
#asian #AAPI #naacp #scotus #thurgoodmarshall
Sad news.
“Cissy” Suyat Marshall, the widow of the late Justice Thurgood Marshall, who was the first Black justice to serve on the Supreme Court, died on Tuesday in Falls Church, Virginia, the court announced. She was 94.
#thurgoodmarshall #cissymarshall #law #lawfedi #scotus