From Fanlore, the fan run wiki:
"Songs about aliens, #unicorns, and #Kirk/Spock! This #Thurminology we are focusing on #Filk. Often referred to as "science-fiction folk music", Filk is the creation and performance of music tied to sci-fi/fantasy fandom. Come over to #Fanlore and learn more!
#unicorns #kirk #thurminology #filk #fanlore #fandomhistory
Songs about aliens, #unicorns, and #Kirk/Spock! This #Thurminology we are focusing on #Filk. Often referred to as "science-fiction folk music", Filk is the creation and performance of music tied to sci-fi/fantasy fandom. Come over to #Fanlore and learn more!
#unicorns #kirk #thurminology #filk #fanlore #fandomhistory