This touched me somehow today -- descendent of Henry James. yep. #music #songwriter #willyMason #thurs #moon #fire #ashes
#music #songwriter #willymason #thurs #moon #fire #ashes
Had a good if aimless #Destiny2 stream today; I'll be back tomorrow evening at my regular time for more fun and games! Join me then (#Thurs) at 9pm Eastern at !
Good morning dear awesome Tooteroonies of this n that 🌞☕
Today it's Thors day n the year is drawing to an end 🤙
I wish yous a splendid day full of all those things that make it great a great day 😊 lots of smiles, joys, funs, kindness, adventure, excitement, positivity, giggles n laughter 😆
Take care n stay safe 💙
#DailyGreeting #Smile #FridayEve #Thurs
#dailygreeting #smile #fridayeve #thurs
Премьера - 22.11.2022 в 19.00
🎶 Rune Thurisaz ᚦ Astral Matter ᚦ Age of the White Wolf ᚦ Epic Runic Music ᚦ Futhark
#исцелениемузыкой #runicritualmusic #epicrunicmusic #vikingmusic #whitewolf #epicclassical
#runethurisaz #thurisaz #thurs #thorn #mjulnir #thors #runes #futhark #rune #viking #divination #norse #asatru #witchcraft #runas #vikings #wardruna #elderfuthark #runemeanings #oldnorse #pagan #galdr #healing #thor
#исцелениемузыкой #runicritualmusic #epicrunicmusic #vikingmusic #whitewolf #epicclassical #runethurisaz #thurisaz #thurs #thorn #mjulnir #thors #runes #futhark #rune #viking #divination #norse #asatru #witchcraft #runas #vikings #wardruna #elderfuthark #runemeanings #oldnorse #pagan #Galdr #healing #thor