#Strapp - 'Young girl with a white #dove'
I'm disappointed with myself, cos I started typing a "lovely looking bird" comment here. I apologise.
#Art #Arte
#Painting #Portrait #Birds
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#ArtAtNight #ThursdayBirdsDay
#strapp #dove #art #Arte #painting #portrait #birds #MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #artatnight #thursdaybirdsday
Artist unknown - 'Two #swans on a pond'
If I could paint like this, I would scrawl my name, date of birth and social security number all over it so nobody could describe it as 'artist unknown'.
(As I was light-heartedly typing that, I realised it's not true. I do not wish to be perceived in life or remembered in death.)
#Art #Arte
#Painting #Birds
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#swans #art #Arte #painting #birds #MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #artintheevening #thursdaybirdsday
#JamesHayward - 'Parrot Painting' - 1995
I bloody love #parrots, me. Especially if they cuss.
#Art #Arte
#Painting #Birds
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#ArtAtNoon #ThursdayBirdsDay
#jameshayward #parrots #art #Arte #painting #birds #MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #artatnoon #thursdaybirdsday
Artist unknown - 'Peacock'
I mean, it says 'peacock', but come on. Really. Really? It's a nice #picture, but is it a #peacock?
#Art #Arte
#Painting #Birds
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#ArtInTheMorning #ThursdayBirdsDay
#picture #peacock #art #Arte #painting #birds #MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #artinthemorning #thursdaybirdsday
#KresimirRak - Peasant scene with swooping #eagle - 1975
We don't have any eagles round here, but we do have a juvenile #buzzard that perches in the neighbour's tree most days. The other #birds are not happy about this, but also not seemingly petrified.
#Art #Arte
#MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt
#ArtInTheEvening #Painting
#kresimirrak #eagle #buzzard #birds #art #Arte #MastoArt #mastodonart #fediart #artintheevening #painting #thursdaybirdsday