I’ve been… struggling the last few weeks. I’ve still been working on my comic, but it feels more and more pointless since it’s so much work and I’m sure it won’t be seen or even of interest to very many people. So here’s my work feelings, now accompanied by the Thursday lyrics that inspired it.
#art #thursday #thursdayband
#dontletmedrown #fortheworkforcedrowning #copiesofcopiesofcopies #emoart #depressionart #stressart #anxietyart #thursdayfanart #antiworkart #procreateart
#procreateart #antiworkart #thursdayfanart #anxietyart #stressart #depressionart #emoart #copiesofcopiesofcopies #fortheworkforcedrowning #dontletmedrown #thursdayband #thursday #art