Thanks for the correction.
A few Washington Post reporters however do have a #Mastodon icon in their Washington Post profile. See for example: @drewharwell
#twittermigration #twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre #Mastodon
And the media companies that employ them largely act as if nothing happened...
#twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre #journalism
Yes. And we are very happy to have you and your counterparts.
#twittermigration #twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre
Your analysis is right on.
Twitter's loss is our gain. We are glad to have you. Hopefully #mastodon will be your home for the next twelve years or more.
All the best.
#ThursdayNightMassacre #TwitterPurge #TwitterMigration #twitterrefugees
#twitterrefugees #twittermigration #twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre #Mastodon
This is a no-brainier. Elon Musk/Twitter's request is a major infringement of your journalistic freedom.
#twittermigration #twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre
#ThursdayNightMassacre #TwitterPurge
More Journalists Banned by Twitter: How to Find Them on Mastodon
By @peterbutler
"Most of the major Twitter accounts that were suspended on Twitter have created accounts on the decentralized social media network Mastodon, with differing levels of participation."
#FollowFriday #twitterrefugees #twittermigration #twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre
@alwirtes @worldhistory @annaleen @taylorlorenz
I largely agree that the journalists and generally all newcomers should first read the room and avoid acting like they own the place...
#TwitterMigration #twitterrefugees #TwitterPurge #ThursdayNightMassacre
#thursdaynightmassacre #twitterpurge #twitterrefugees #twittermigration
I wonder if several other issues are also influencing the attitudes of journalists towards #Mastodon, from their perspective as users of the application:
1) They are latecomers and therefore have to start from scratch, and particularly build their followers base
2) The Mastodon more level playing field is less conducive to their stories standing out and going viral (memes)
#TwitterMigration #twitterrefugees #TwitterPurge #ThursdayNightMassacre
#thursdaynightmassacre #twitterpurge #twitterrefugees #twittermigration #Mastodon
Tech Journalism Doesn’t Know What to Do With Mastodon
What happens when innovation doesn’t fit the usual narratives?
#TwitterMigration #twitterrefugees #TwitterPurge #ThursdayNightMassacre
#thursdaynightmassacre #twitterpurge #twitterrefugees #twittermigration #Mastodon
The pilot says we’re going to crash.
But nothing wrong with the plane.
So human error or suicide,
Either way the pilots to blame.
The entitled fool,
he broke our best toy!
A good source of news!
A good source of joy!
No Bandage is going
cover this hurt
Hopefully he
receives his just deserve
Now his car company is
Suffering too
A stock prices falling
With nothing to do
The latest is being
voting him out
Or building excitement by
showing view counts.
More fun(ish) poetry on the same topic:
For more follow @Swan
⬇️⬇️⬇️🔁Please boost 🔁⬇️⬇️⬇️
#twitter #TwitterExodus
#ElonMusk #Elon
#thursdaynightmassacre #journalists #bloodythursday
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #bandage
#thepilot #anotherparanoidandroid #conspiracy #savethecheerleader #wordgames #salescomplaint #servicecomplaint #productcomplaint #schadenfreude #twitter #twitterexodus #twittermigration #twitterpurge #elonmusk #elon #thursdaynightmassacre #journalists #bloodythursday #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt #bandage
@taylorlorenz You state that you’ve been reinstated on #twitter as if it’s a good thing.
It’s not.
You, and all the other journalists, shouldn’t have been banned to begin with. At least not for the reasons given. You should have just shut down your account.
Your video should have led with “We’ll I’m reinstated. Who cares, b/c I deleted my account. Catch me on #Mastodon . Now let me tell you guys what was going on behind the scenes that triggered the #thursdaynightmassacre
#thursdaynightmassacre #Mastodon #Twitter
More than two million users have flocked to Mastodon since Elon Musk took over Twitter
"“Understanding that freedom of the press is absolutely essential for a functional democracy, we are excited to see Mastodon grow and become a household name in newsrooms across the world,"
#twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre #twittermigration
More than two million users have flocked to Mastodon since Elon Musk took over Twitter
"“Understanding that freedom of the press is absolutely essential for a functional democracy, we are excited to see Mastodon grow and become a household name in newsrooms across the world,"
#twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre #twittermigration
@ggreeneva And no government entity should be legitimizing that platform either by publishing material there. #birdsite #thursdaynightmassacre
#birdsite #thursdaynightmassacre
Why is Twitter prohibiting promotion of alternative social platforms policy
"At both the Tweet level and the account level, we will remove any free promotion of prohibited 3rd-party social media platforms, such as linking out (i.e. using URLs) to any of the below platforms on Twitter, or providing your handle without a URL"
#TwitterMigration #TwitterPurge
#thursdaynightmassacre #twitterrefugees #twitterpurge #twittermigration #elonisdestroyingtwitter
Why is Twitter prohibiting promotion of alternative social platforms?
"At both the Tweet level and the account level, we will remove any free promotion of prohibited 3rd-party social media platforms, such as linking out (i.e. using URLs) to any of the below platforms on Twitter, or providing your handle without a URL"
#TwitterMigration #TwitterPurge
#thursdaynightmassacre #twitterrefugees #twitterpurge #twittermigration #elonisdestroyingtwitter
Wow! There really no lows the Musk will not sink to. #ElonMusk #Twitter #ThursdayNightMassacre
#elonmusk #twitter #thursdaynightmassacre
On a more positive note, you are now at a much better place and we are very glad to have you!
#ThursdayNightMassacre Continutes...
#twitterpurge #thursdaynightmassacre
Similarly, The Washington Post:
A guide to getting started with Twitter alternative Mastodon
#thursdaynightmassacre #twitterpurge #twittermigration