Pike: Sometimes, hope is a choice.
La’an: Yeah, you’ve told me that one before.
Pike: Maybe I’m just saying it cause I need to hear it. It’s why we’re here, on this planet.
#ThursdaySelfie #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #StarTrek #STSNW
#thursdayselfie #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #startrek #STSNW
Admiral April’s last message confirmed that the improbability field has now spread to twelve Federation ships. He let me know in a surprisingly beautiful baritone that he wants us to stop this now, by the way. - Una
#ThursdaySelfie #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #StarTrek #STSNW
#thursdayselfie #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #startrek #STSNW
M’Benga: Sometimes, you pretend something long enough, becomes the truth. So let’s pretend the war doesn’t bother us. At least, for tonight.
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #StarTrek #STSNW #StrangeNewWorlds #MBenga
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #startrek #STSNW #strangenewworlds #mbenga
Boimler: Sir, there has to be a peaceful solution. And I know diplomacy is one of your many, many strengths. That and patience, forgiveness, benevolence… really great hair?
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #StarTrek #STSNW #StrangeNewWorlds #Boimler
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #startrek #STSNW #strangenewworlds #boimler
Chapel: How’s… um, feeling going?
Spock: It’s a lot. I’m still getting used to it. It’s not all bad. Sometimes, I don’t cry in the shower.
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #StarTrek #Spock #Chapel #STSNW #StrangeNewWorlds
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #startrek #spock #chapel #STSNW #strangenewworlds
"Everyone deserves joy in their life. Even a captain." -Una
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #StarTrek #Una #STSNW #StrangeNewWorlds
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #startrek #una #STSNW #strangenewworlds
A quick cup of coffee, watched this week's ST:SNW, packed the car, and now we're #BeachBound. Vacation Day 5. #ThursdaySelfie #VacationWarrior #VacationVibes #BeachBums #Coffee #Caffeine #StarTrek #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
#beachbound #thursdayselfie #vacationwarrior #vacationvibes #beachbums #coffee #caffeine #startrek #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds
"Old fears can be hard to let go of. But we were wrong about Illyrians. All of us. I was wrong." – Captain Pike
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #StarTrek #CaptainPike #STSNW #StrangeNewWorlds
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #startrek #CaptainPike #STSNW #strangenewworlds
“Yeah I just feel like the whole session was rushed. Like, there was no backlighting, or emotional direction.” – David Rose, commenting on his DL Photo
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #SchittsCreek #EwDavid #DavidRose
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #schittscreek #ewdavid #DavidRose
"There's an old saying: Fortune favors the bold. Well, I guess we're about to find out." - Sisko, DS9
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #DS9
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #ds9
“A guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant, so I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it.” - Sisko, DS9
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #DS9
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #ds9
"What a piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel..." - Hamlet
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie
"He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
- The Lord of the Rings
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie
"Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughin' as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you"
- The Life of Brian
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie
"Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it
Don't dream it, be it"
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, ALWAYS!!! #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #StarWarsDay #Maythe4th #MayTheFourth #ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie
#maythefourthbewithyou #starwarsday #MayThe4th #maythefourth #thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie
Practicing my sexy smolder for when I finally start up my #OnlyFans. Are there a lot of requests for #DadBod videos?! #ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #LockHimUp
#onlyfans #dadbod #thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #lockhimup
We've almost made it to the weekend, friends! Stay positive, and let's make it a great day! I can't believe it's the penultimate episode of #Picard today!#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #LockHimUp
#picard #thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #lockhimup
The Easter Bunny better bring me some nice treats this year!! My 4-day holiday weekend is just 8 hours away!! #ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #TodayIsMyFriday #4DayWeekend #ThursdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #LockHimUp
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #todayismyfriday #4dayweekend #thursdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #lockhimup
HELLO THERE!! A coworker walked by my desk yesterday and complimented me on how "cool" it was!!! I'm making an impression, apparently.
#ThursdaySelfie #FridayEve #ThursdayVibe #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie
#thursdayselfie #fridayeve #thursdayvibe #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie