Tune in to #HKCRadio in an hour for #HeavilyInfluenced, which is covering for Mariah and the #ThursdayTakeover today. Brandon has new metal for you in the #NewMusic set, plus requests, #MetalNews as well as a rant, and some other interesting things to talk about which you absolutely don't want to miss. Listen.HKCRadio.com:8000/hkc.mp3 is the direct listen link, HKCRadio.com is the website or ask your smart devices.
#hkcradio #heavilyinfluenced #thursdaytakeover #newmusic #metalnews
She's back in time! The #420 #ThursdayTakeover is back with on #HKCRadio @MariahL! Get ready for the Smoke Circle!
Smoke ‘em if. You got ‘em! Join @MariahL for the #ThursdayTakeover, focused on all the stoner anthems, and be sure to join her at #420 itself for the Smoke CIrcle! All on #HKCRadio!