🏔️🌊 Researchers uncover alarming discoveries beneath the Thwaites Glacier! 😮❄️ The implications for our climate are concerning. 🌍😔
🔬🔍 As scientists delve deeper, they unveil critical information about the glacier's stability and potential impact on sea-level rise. 📈🌊
#climatecrisis #thwaitesglacier #protectourplanet
Scientists have found that ice sheets can collapse into the #Ocean in spurts of up to 600 metres (2,000 feet) a day, far faster than recorded before. This is a "warning from the past" for today's #ClimateCrisis, as some ice sheets in #Antarctica, including the "Doomsday" #ThwaitesGlacier, could suffer periods of rapid collapse in the near future.
#IceSheets can collapse at 600 metres a day, far faster than feared, study finds | #Ice #RisingSeas | The Guardian
#risingseas #ice #IceSheets #thwaitesglacier #antarctica #climatecrisis #ocean
Two pieces related to ice in Physics Today this month. First up, the melting of the #ThwaitesGlacier is more complicated than thought. https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/PT.3.5213
Everyone living at less then 50 cm above sea level needs to move in the next few years.
If you buy or build houses now, don't do it too close to coastlines.
#climateEmergency #climateChange #antarctica #thwaitesglacier #sealevels
#sealevels #thwaitesglacier #antarctica #climatechange #climateemergency
RT @sali_umwelt
Der Weltuntergangs-Gletscher #Thwaites hat tiefe Risse & sogenannte „Treppen“-Formationen gebildet, weshalb er noch schneller schmilzt.
Zerfällt der er, steigt der Meeresspiegel 65cm & setzt weiteres Eis der Arktis frei, was insgesamt etwa 3,5m bedeutet.
And #ThwaitesGlacier is also in the New York Times, with quotes from CIRES/ESOC's Ted Scambos: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/climate/thwaites-antarctica-melting-robot.html
"While we might see only a moderate add-on to sea level rise in the next 50 years, the processes are real, and the triggers for accelerating the collapse are bound to occur" —CIRES/ESOC's Ted Scambos in a
Washington Post article about #ThwaitesGlacier: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/02/15/glacier-ice-melt-ocean-warming/
Antarctic: Warm water eroding Thwaites glacier, study shows
#thwaitesglacier #antarctica #climate
Sorge um den Thwaites-Gletscher
Der Eisberg B-22A, der sich 2002 vom Thwaites-Gletschers in der Westantarktis löste, verändert seine Lage, wie Satellitenbilder der letzten Monate zeigen.
Die Folge könnte eine Destabilisierung des Schelfeises und ein schnelleres Abfließen des Thwaites-Gletschers sein.
#Antarktis #ThwaitesGletscher #Westantarktis #Meeresspiegelanstieg #Klimakrise #Kipppunkte #TippingPoints #ThwaitesGlacier
#antarktis #ThwaitesGletscher #westantarktis #meeresspiegelanstieg #klimakrise #kipppunkte #tippingpoints #thwaitesglacier
“The winds will change the ocean, the ocean will melt #Antarctica—and the water is coming to visit you.” If the #ThwaitesGlacier collapses, it could bring much of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet with it and raise sea levels by over three meters. The potential collapse of Thwaites #Glacier is among the largest environmental threats to global civilization—and we’ve barely begun to understand it. What took us so long?
Written by Marissa Grunes.
#antarctica #thwaitesglacier #Glacier #climatechange #sealevelrise #glacialretreat
Protective glacier has broken off and imploded.
#thwaitesglacier #ecology #ClimateChange
Our oldest daughter, Elizabeth Case, is headed out for her Antarctic field work, along with 275lbs of gear.
#antarctic #mcmurdo #thwaitesglacier
Tweet from AGU's Eos (@AGU_Eos), at Jan 31, 11:40 AM
Dive beyond the headlines with our in-depth feature on #ThwaitesGlacier, @GlacierThwaites, and why it all matters. 6/6
Tweet from AGU's Eos (@AGU_Eos), at Jan 31, 11:39 AM
Startling new research from @GlacierThwaites confirmed a dire prediction: The water underneath #Antarctica's #ThwaitesGlacier is two degrees above the freezing point. How bad is that? 1/6