Settle into your morning with an hour of talk about T H White, his biography as written by Sylvia Townsend Warner, and discussion about his life, work and torments. From our book launch last week.
#book #launch #THWhite #SylviaTownsendWarner #IndiePublishing
#book #launch #thwhite #sylviatownsendwarner #indiepublishing
“…a lonely man in a barren household.” #THWhite #SylviaTownsendWarner
#sylviatownsendwarner #thwhite
“The modern world is apt to forget that several people were Christians in the remote past, and in Lancelot’s time there were no Protestants—except John Scotus Erigena.” —T. H. White, The Once and Future King.
This makes me want to read some medieval Irish philosophy.
#Irish #Philosophy #Medieval #THWhite #OnceAndFutureKing #JohnScotusEriugena
#irish #philosophy #medieval #thwhite #onceandfutureking #johnscotuseriugena
I’m quite pleased at finishing Le Morte D’Arthur before returning to The Once and Future King. So much of it really is expanded and in between Mallory’s text. She in the following quote is Nimue.
‘Than she and Merlyon wente over the see unto the londe of Benwyke there as Kyng Ban was kyng, that had grete warre ayenste Kyng Claudas.
#Arthuriana #LeMorteDArthur #MiddleEnglish #Lancelot #Merlin #THWhite #TheOnceAndFutureKing #MiddleEnglish #Literature
#arthuriana #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #lancelot #merlin #thwhite #theonceandfutureking #literature
Just updated our events page for the first three months of next year. NEXT YEAR folks. It's almost here.
#PublishingLife #indiepublishing #books #BookLaunch #SoManyBooks #SylviaTownsendWarner #THWhite #AlgernonBlackwood
#publishinglife #indiepublishing #books #BookLaunch #somanybooks #sylviatownsendwarner #thwhite #algernonblackwood
Packing preorders of the glorious T H White by Sylvia Townsend Warner. Christmassy colours were NOT intended when planning the cover, but they look seasonal, no?
To be published 17 January, and preorders are posting now.
#SylviaTownsendWarner #THWhite #publishing #PublishingLife #goshawk #SwordInTheStone
#Camelot #OnceAndFutureKing
#sylviatownsendwarner #thwhite #publishing #publishinglife #goshawk #SwordInTheStone #camelot #OnceAndFutureKing
In no particular order,
1. Lord of the Rings #Tolkein
2. A People's History of the United States #HowardZinn
3. Nation #TerryPratchett
4. The Once And Future King #THWhite
5. Great Expectations #CharlesDickens
6. Between the World and Me #TaNehisiCoates
7. Lamb @TheAuthorGuy
#tolkein #howardzinn #terrypratchett #thwhite #charlesdickens #tanehisicoates
NYJ, born the year Bill Haley hit the charts, less certain every day. #Borges #RayDavies #IanDury #Sicily #RichardStark #GoreVidal #Pezband #DenisJohnson #dimsum #poicephalusparrot #GuillermoDelToro #Seinfeld #TheGoodPlace #TheLongShips #TheInLaws #MelBrooks #JonathonLethem #JohnCheever #SarahSilverman #Bedwetter #AdamSchlesinger #JulianCope #CalvinTrillin #KurtVonnegut #TerrySouthern #THWhite #EdithWharton #BrianKVaughn #JerryRagavoy #DocPomus #JerryWexler #DonMattingly #Jellyfish #BradJones
#BradJones #jellyfish #DonMattingly #JerryWexler #DocPomus #JerryRagavoy #BrianKVaughn #EdithWharton #thwhite #TerrySouthern #KurtVonnegut #CalvinTrillin #JulianCope #AdamSchlesinger #Bedwetter #sarahsilverman #johncheever #JonathonLethem #melbrooks #TheInLaws #TheLongShips #thegoodplace #seinfeld #guillermodeltoro #poicephalusparrot #dimsum #DenisJohnson #Pezband #gorevidal #RichardStark #sicily #IanDury #RayDavies #borges
@SimonGCutmore The list for #children is:
#TheLittleWhiteHorse by #ElizabethGoudge
#ALoadOfUnicorn by #CynthiaHarnett
#TheEagleOfTheNinth by #RosemarySutcliff
#MistressMashamsRepose by #THWhite
All the #Narnia books of #CSLewis
#TheHobbit by #JRRTolkien
#TheWeirdstoneofBrisingamen by #AlanGarner
#children #thelittlewhitehorse #elizabethgoudge #aloadofunicorn #cynthiaharnett #theeagleoftheninth #rosemarysutcliff #mistressmashamsrepose #thwhite #narnia #cslewis #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #theweirdstoneofbrisingamen #alangarner