I started yet another game because why not 🙄
Anyway, #Thymesia seems like a pretty promising soulslike. I finished the tutorial and thought it was well constructed although it had all the usual soulslike quirks. The fighting system so far has been pretty basic, but ok.
In the end I decided to start playing #DemonSouls. I've only played a few hours so far and I'm struggling with the dodge/roll. After playing #Thymesia and #Bloodborne back to back I'm used to a much faster and longer dodge. DS on the other hand demands you to play in a more "defensive" stance, so my muscle memory is sabotaging me 🤣
#demonsouls #thymesia #bloodborne
Yesss, I've beaten #Thymesia including all side quests! I've enjoyed this #soulsborne very much, the bosses have been quite punishing but not borderline impossible, so very good difficulty tuning. The game is quite short, yes, and leaves me wanting so much more!
Here I am, back to keep talking about my journey through #Thymesia. I'm down to the fourth and final level on the main quest (yes, this is going to be my main criticism for the game, it's just too short!!), so I'm beating the side-quests first, including some optional bosses.
And yeah, the combat and finishers are so satisfying... This clip got captured automatically by my console (TW: monster creature, depiction of blood and violence)
Still progressing through #Thymesia. Third boss down, I can't overstate how vital to the game the parry mechanic is. The huge chunks of life you take away from every enemy (and yes, that includes bosses) just by parrying their attacks is unlike any other attack you can do. And it leaves you in the best position possible, ready to remove that reminder green bar with the claw.
Without it this third boss would have taken five times as long to beat.
I must admit that one thing that makes me a little bit sad is checking the #Thymesia hashtag and seeing that I'm the only one using it... Is nobody else playing this game? There's not even a "Urgh, this game is so bad!" post, so... total indifference, fediverse? 😞
After a handful of trials I have already identified the attack patterns of the second boss in #Thymesia. Tomorrow I'll try it again...
I really hope this thing doesn't have a second phase, because this thing is tough as nails!
I've been playing a bit of #Thymesia and I've enjoyed it very much, it's a very satisfying #soulslike!! The fact that enemies recover health if they don't get damage for a while means you're pushed into being aggressive. It's fast, fun, and challenging. Count me in.