🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #KleineVos #Tijm #MijnTuinLeeft
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #KleinerFuchs #Thymiane
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #SmallTortoiseshell #Thymus
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #BabočkaKopřivová #Mateřídouška
#NymphalisUrticae #Thymus
#nymphalisurticae #materidouska #babockakoprivova #thymus #smallTortoiseshell #Thymiane #KleinerFuchs #MijnTuinLeeft #tijm #kleinevos
The thymus, a small gland behind your sternum, may actually fight cancer, according to a new study. The study found that people who had their thymus removed during heart surgery had a higher risk of death and cancer than those who did not. The study suggests that the thymus, which is often considered ‘useless’ in adulthood, still plays a vital role in the immune system and should be preserved if possible.
Turns out the thymus IS important after all - who would have guessed? 😅
Dieses scheinbar nutzlose #Organ schützt vor #Krebs
Die scheinbar funktionslose #Thymusdrüse im Brustkorb spielt laut neuen Forschungen eine wichtige Rolle für die #Gesundheit des Immunsystems und den Schutz vor #Krebs.
#Gesundheit #Thymus #Bries #Immunabwehr #Sterberisiko #T-Zellen
#organ #krebs #thymusdruse #gesundheit #thymus #bries #immunabwehr #sterberisiko #t
Turns out the #Thymus, which doctors sometimes remove during heart surgeries - simply because it's in their way - plays an important role in #immune response - especially against #cancer
"We evaluated the risk of death, cancer, and autoimmune disease among adult patients who had undergone thymectomy as compared with demographically matched controls who had undergone similar cardiothoracic surgery without thymectomy. T-cell production and plasma cytokine levels were also compared in a subgroup of patients."
#Immunology #Thymus
Der #Thymus ist ein Organ, das in der Kindheit und Jugend lebenswichtig für die Entwicklung der T-Zellen ist. Danach bildet es zurück, im Studium lernten wir alle, dass es danach keine Funktion mehr habe.
Eine neue Studie deutet bei Personen, denen der Thymus entfernt wurde, darauf hin, dass man ohne Thymus häufiger schweren Infektionen und an Krebs erkrankt.
Erstaunlich, dass wir immer noch Neues über grundlegende Organfunktionen lernen.
Anm.: Kulinarisch hat der Thymus als Kalbsbries eine Bedeutung. ☝🏼
Thymusdrüse: Bei Erwachsenen doch nicht überflüssig? Langzeitstudie widerlegt gängige Lehrmeinung zum Immunorgan in unserer Brust. #Thymus #Thymusdruese #Anatomie #Immunsysystem #Medizin
#thymus #thymusdruese #Anatomie #immunsysystem #medizin
AAAS: "Doctors have long considered the thymus expendable. But could removing it be fatal?" There are 2 main categories of lymphocytes, both key players in the immune system. B-lymphocytes—named after an anatomically similar organ called the Bursa of Fabricus in chickens—which when activated convert to plasma cells, each one pouring out one specific type of antibody. T-lymphocytes—named after the thymus—have multple subtypes + are involved in surveillance + attack against foreign invaders like bacteria + viruses, but also our own cells that turn cancerous. But they are also capable of attacking our own healthy tissue, which is called autoimmune disease, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Okay, so the thymus is very active in children, but begins to shrink + mostly stops producing cells in adulthood. sort of the attitude of 'been there, done that, let's go grab a beer.' Or does it? Turns out what used to be taught in med schools is probably wrong. "Harvard University hematologist David Scadden and his colleagues analyzed medical records from nearly 2300 people who had undergone chest surgeries at Massachusetts General Hospital." Half had undergone thymectomy, usually performed to treat thymus cancer or certain autoimmune diseases such as myasthenia gravis, in which T-cells attack muscles + cause episodic weakness. But the team found that "compared with the other chest surgery patients, those who underwent a thymectomy were almost three times more likely to die from a variety of causes, from infectious disease to cancer, during the next 5 years." Also had a doubled risk of various cancers, often more aggressive ones compared to people who retained their thymuses. Examination of the bloodstream showed lesser lymphocyte variety + more infalmmatory molecules. So pat yourself not on your back but rather on top of your upper sternum, because the thymus lies directly below it. Besides, that's easier to do, especially if your shoulders are stiff. #immunesystem #thymus #lymphocytes
#immunesystem #thymus #lymphocytes
The thymus may well involute during life but it's certainly not functionally redundant!
In its absence...
- ⬆️ all cause mortality
- ⬆️ cancer risk
- ⬆️ risk of autoimmune disease
#thymus #immunology #health #resection #thymectomy #mortality #cancer #autoimmunedisease #medicine #MedMastodon
> Health Consequences of Thymus Removal in Adults
#thymus #immunology #health #resection #thymectomy #mortality #cancer #autoimmunedisease #medicine #MedMastodon
New paper in International Journal of Biology and Chemistry using @gbif mediated data:
Modeling of present and future potential distribution areas of #Thymus praecox opiz. in #Turkey according to the Maxent algorithm 🇹🇷
#CiteTheDOI: ❌
'While CCR7 is known to promote thymocyte medullary entry and negative selection, our previous studies implicate CCR4 in these processes, raising the question of whether CCR4 and CCR7 play distinct or redundant roles in central tolerance.'
'We find that stromal and hematopoietic cells in the mouse thymus express the vitamin D receptor (Vdr) and Cyp27b1, the enzyme that produces hormonal 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D). Treatment of cultured thymic slices with 1,25D enhances expression of the critical medullary thymic epithelial cell transcription factor autoimmune regulator (Aire), its colocalization with the Vdr, and enhances tissue-restricted Ag gene expression.'
RT @RWittenbrink@twitter.com
#SARSCoV2-Infektion des #Thymus führt zu einem Funktionsverlust, der mit der Schwere der Erkrankung korreliert
Diese Studie präsentiert zum ersten Mal Beweise dafür, dass der Thymus ein Ziel der SARS-CoV-2-Infektion in vivo ist.
#SarsCoV2 #thymus #COVID19 #LongCovid #Coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2 infection of thymus induces loss of function that correlates with disease severity
#SARSCoV2 #COVID #COVID19 #Corona #CovidIsNotOver #thymus #autoimmunediseases
#SarsCoV2 #covid #COVID19 #corona #CovidIsNotOver #thymus #autoimmunediseases
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #KleineVos op #Tijm #MijnTuinLeeft
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #KleinerFuchs Thymiane
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #SmallTortoiseshell #Thymus
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #BabočkaKopřivová #Mateřídouška
#AglaisUrticae #Thymus
#AglaisUrticae #materidouska #babockakoprivova #thymus #smallTortoiseshell #KleinerFuchs #MijnTuinLeeft #tijm #kleinevos
"Here, we present an iTEC-based three-stage medium/high-throughput in vitro assay for synthetic polymer mimics of thymic extracellular matrix (ECM). Using this assay we identify, from a complex library, four polymers that bind iTEC as well as or better than gelatin but do not bind mesenchymal cells."
RT @WEHI_research@twitter.com
Thrilled to have Professor Jacques Miller's milestone #thymus discovery featured in this @Nature@twitter.com video.
It's the incredible story of how two researchers from opposite ends of the world united to solve the B and #Tcell mysteries - watch 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WEHI_research/status/1612982207110610944
"The ability of thymic macrophages to engulf apoptotic thymocytes is well appreciated, but little is known about their ontogeny, maintenance, and diversity. Here, we characterized the surface phenotype and transcriptional profile of these cells and defined their expression signature."
#immunology #thymus #macrophage
"Runx co-factors compete to recruit a limited pool of Runx factors in early T-progenitors, and a modest increase in Runx protein availability at pre-commitment stages causes premature Runx occupancy at post-commitment binding sites. This results in striking T-lineage developmental acceleration by selectively activating T-identity and innate lymphoid cell programs."
#Immunology #Preprint #Runx #thymus
#immunology #preprint #Runx #thymus