Gaur egun, 14 gizaki bizi dira #Lurra-ren orbitan:
Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioa-n
🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇯🇵 🇦🇪 🇩🇰
#Tiangong Espazio Estazioa-n
🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳
#SoyuzMS23 #Crew6 #Shenzhou16 #Crew7 #GizakiakEspazioan #Espazioa #LurOrbita
#lurra #tiangong #soyuzms23 #Crew6 #shenzhou16 #crew7 #GizakiakEspazioan #Espazioa #LurOrbita
“Siam tre piccoli cinesin…” #Tiangong #shenzhou16
(Lo so, è una pessima battuta! 😉)
China wil zebravisjes naar het Tiangong ruimtestation sturen
China is van plan om zebravisjes naar zijn ruimtestation te sturen. De experimenten met de visjes zullen helpen bij het onderzoek naar het verminderen van botverlies bij astronauten.
Door Azul - Eigen werk, Copyrighted free use,
De kleine vissensoort zal in een baan om de Aard
#zebravis #tiangong #daniorerio #china #botontkalking
@jaystephens @tomw I can't speak for India's program, but #China has a pretty impressive one. Ever since we banned them from the #iss they vowed to make their own and succeeded. They have their own station orbiting #earth and have welcomed anyone to contribute modules to it. #tiangong is the name of it if you aren't familiar with their program. The lino below is a tour given by the crew in Chinese but it is still pretty neat! Tour starts at 54 minutes
Raumstation "Tiangong": Taikonauten nach Crew-Wechsel zurück auf der Erde
Die Taikonauten der chinesischen Raumstation "Tiangong" sind nach 186 Tagen im All zurück auf der Erde. Sie wurden von einer neuen Crew abgelöst.
@tzukran RT by @StephenMcDonell: Just had a mind-blowing morning! Captured an incredible high-resolution image of the China Space Station with @Tel_Aviv_Uni trusty telescope. #Tiangong #NASA #Elon_Musk @TiangongStation @spacestationguy @TGSpaceStation @NASA_Johnson @US_SpaceCom @apod @wulei2020
Kurz informiert: Solarstrom, Nextcloud, Tiangong, Maker Faire Vienna
Unser werktäglicher News-Überblick fasst die wichtigsten Nachrichten des Tages kurz und knapp zusammen.
#Energiewende #kurzinformiert #MakerFaire #Photovoltaik #Solarenergie #Tiangong #news
#energiewende #kurzinformiert #makerfaire #photovoltaik #solarenergie #tiangong #news
Mission zur Raumstation Tiangong: China schickt erstmals Zivilisten ins All
Die aktuelle Crew der chinesischen Raumstation Tiangong wird abgelöst. Erstmals ist dafür jetzt auch ein chinesischer Zivilist mit in den Weltraum gestartet.
China entsendet erstmals Zivilisten zur Raumstation
China hat drei Taikonauten auf den Flug zur Raumstation "Tiangong" ("Himmelspalast") gebracht. Es ist der erste Besatzungswechsel seit der Inbetriebnahme Anfang des Jahres, und erstmals ist ein Zivilist dabei.
China to launch Shenzhou-16 mission to the Chinese Space Station
China is set to launch its crewed Shenzhou-16 mission to the Tiangong Space Station on… The post China to launch Shenzhou-16 mission to the Chinese Space Station appeared first on .
#Chinese #Featured #International #Other #Chang_Zheng_2F #Jiuquan #Shenzhou #Shenzhou16 #TianGong #Tiangong_Space_Station
#chinese #featured #international #other #chang_zheng_2f #jiuquan #shenzhou #shenzhou16 #tiangong #tiangong_space_station
Bihar, #Shenzhou16 espaziontzia jaurtiko dute #Tiangong Espazio Estazioruntz 6 hilabete iraungo duen misio baterako.
Tripulazioa: Gui Haichao (Lehen hegaldia), Jing Haipeng (#Shenzhou7, #Shenzhou9 eta #Shenzhou11) eta Zhang Lu (lehen hegaldia).
#shenzhou16 #tiangong #shenzhou7 #shenzhou9 #shenzhou11 #Espazioa
Jing Haipeng is about to become the first Chinese astronaut to go into space for a fourth time, as he was selected to be the commander of the upcoming #Shenzhou16 manned space mission.
Jing will spend about five months working with his fellow crewmates Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao in the country's #Tiangong space station.
Shenzhou-15 taikonauts complete 4th spacewalk, setting China record.
The #Shenzhou-15 #taikonauts on board the orbiting Chinese #Tiangong space station have completed their fourth spacewalk, the #China Manned Space Agency said on Sunday.
#shenzhou #taikonauts #tiangong #china
Axiom Space-en #Axiom2 misioa, maiatzaren 9an (UTC 02:43tan) abiatuko da Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioruntz.
Maiatzaren 21ean, #Shenzhou16 misioa jaurtiko da #Tiangong Espazio Estazioruntz. (Estazioaren 5. espedizioa)
#axiom2 #shenzhou16 #tiangong #Espazioa
Txina eta AEBen arteko "Espazioko Gerra Hotza" jarraitzen du. Europari Txinaren #Tiangong Espazio Estaziora astronautak bidaltzea debekatu ostean, Estatu Batuek debekatu egiten diete Emirerriei bere 2. astromobila (#Rashid2) Txinako #ChangE7 zundan ilargiratzea.
#tiangong #rashid2 #change7 #Espazioa #ilargia
China reveals lunar lander, launches satellites, and conducts a spacewalk
China has stayed busy over the last week, launching a new set of Tianhui-6 satellites… The post China reveals lunar lander, launches satellites, and conducts a spacewalk appeared first on .
#Chinese #International #Chang_Zheng_10 #Chang_Zheng_4C #china #CNSA #Lander #Moon #TianGong
#chinese #international #chang_zheng_10 #chang_zheng_4c #china #cnsa #lander #moon #tiangong
Aurten Txinak, 3 jaurtiketa egingo ditu #Tiangong Espazio Estazioruntz. #Tianzhou6, #Shenzhou16 eta #Shenzhou17 misio-adabakien diseinurik onenak bozkatzeko aukera ematen digu.
#tiangong #tianzhou6 #shenzhou16 #shenzhou17 #Espazioa
La station spatiale Tiangong et ses prochaines expansions
Par Andrew Jones, Spaces News
#espace #station #Tiangong #Chine #astronautes #sciences #technologies
#technologies #sciences #astronautes #chine #tiangong #station #espace
2023an Txinaren Espazio Estazioko hornitze misio bakarra aurreikusita dago. #Tianzhou6 zamaontzia, Long March 7 Y7 batean jaurtiko da maiatzaren 10ean.
#Tiangong-era hornitze misioak 3 aldiz programatuko dira bi urteetan zehar, eta ez bat 6 hilabetero.
#tianzhou6 #tiangong #Espazioa