ShaniInc · @ShaniInc
51 followers · 327 posts · Server

5. Y ese DJ q dijo del Nene? Oh May Gahd.
6. Y ese centro de mesa, hechalo pa’ acá.
7. Todas las calorías las ahorre pal party…pa comer pan.
8. Mana is so vintage but I love it.

#tias #prtias #boricuas #puertoricanstyle

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael T Babcock · @mikebabcock
195 followers · 1270 posts · Server

I've always loved going to the auto show, seeing beautiful vehicles, getting updates on technology and most importantly as a very tall man, climbing into every car I can possibly afford and making an often very short list of which ones I can fit into when I next purchase one.
Its on again ... I'm not sure if I'm ready for crowds like this again yet though, its not like is actually over yet. I'd rather stay healthy. But I'm tempted.

#photography #cars #autoshow #tias #COVID #Toronto

Last updated 2 years ago

Klaar voor de eerste gasten.
Bungalow is vernieuwd, schoon, gezellig en glanzend.
Alvaro Martijn bedankt voor je hulp en vertrouwen.
Great Villas
Logies De Hooiberg te Lutjewinkel

#eilandleven #eilandgevoel #eiland #Vulkaan #arrecife #vakantiebungalow #vakantiehuis #firstgast #zonvakantie #vakantie #tias #lanzarote #trots #eerstegasten #casabodegacoco

Last updated 2 years ago

Zo snel hadden we het ook niet verwacht.
Aankomende dinsdag komen onze eerste gasten al voor twee weken.
In 2 dagen tijd Jan feb en de helft van maart al volgeboekt.
Je moet er dus snel bij zijn.
Stuur een PB voor beschikbaarheid of kijk op Airb&b via onderstaande link.

#mountainbike #wandelen #fietsen #duiken #zwemmen #zee #zomervakantie #zonvakantie #bungalowpark #canaryislands #lanzarote #tias #puertodelcarmen #casabodegacoco

Last updated 2 years ago

Nu overwinteren of je zomervakantie boeken. Het kan vanaf vandaag!
Via een PB, mail of kijk op Airb&b
0615340571 &b

#tias #playapark #casabodegacoco #airb #boeken #zomervakantie2023 #puertodelcarmen #lanzarote #lanzaroteisland #vakantiebungalow #vakantiehuis

Last updated 2 years ago

I've been asked (for reasons) to put together a short bit on trends in and space over the next few years.

I've got quite a few thoughts on new developments, but would love to ask my fellow , , , friends -- what impactful areas do you think will drive and ?

1) the impact of existing and future laws (like the ), on how we deal with new and novel and its use of
2) Regulatory and shifts, particularly around the role of the , conflicts of interest, and disputes
3) The death of and a breakdown of the mechanism as we know it?!
4) More states adopting similar to (but likely weaker than) the . WAY more development of niche laws on AI, &
5) More alignment from other countries on a -like framework - notably in and countries in the Global South.
6) Tools like and other gradually starting to muscle out some of the manual workloads, since there simply aren't enough folks capable of handling mountains of , , , , etc., etc.
7) Some sort of resolution on the whole new .
8) More muscling for digital / data & data by countries around the world.

What say you ? Do these sound plausible or crazy? What do you think will be prioritized in the next year or five?

cc: @luismontezuma @gabrielazf @pluralistic @JBAGerritsen @teamdatenschutz @Privacymatters @missiggeek @DataProtectionNerd

#privacy #dataprotection #ai #tech #lawfedi #academic #aiact #personaldata #enforcement #dpo #crossborder #onestopshop #consistency #us #privacylaws #ccpa #biometrics #kidsprivacy #gdpr #india #chatgpt #privtech #privacyops #dpas #tias #dpias #ropas #eprivacyregs #sovereignity #localization

Last updated 2 years ago